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Not long after the not-so-pleasant confession, Sam decided to walk in circles in the garden. He sweated profusely but kept walking with flip-flops. Even the staff he met before wondered what he was doing but just decided to leave him alone.

Other than daydreaming, he plucked a few berries on his walk. A long while passed, and Sam was still walking in circles, just slower than before. He had nothing on his mind, he couldn't even contact his new friend because he didn't have a phone.

Dying out of boredom, he decided to stop walking and take some time to enjoy the scenery, breathing in the fresh air... Just that the air smells like fertilizer.

Can I set ammonia on fire?

Then, he saw something that he had noticed before. At the side of the manor, there's a tall ladder that leads up to the rooftop. Nothing to do, he thought it was a good idea to climb the ladder.


"Well... What do I do now?"

Sam was stuck on the roof, he couldn't go down because he refused to move after he saw how far he was from the ground. It reminded him of the movie 'Fall' If he jumps he'd probably break his tailbone.

He doesn't need another broken bone of course. The rooftop was those Gable roof ones, one wrong step and you'll slide right to hell. With his leg on either side of the roof, his crotch is in pain.

He's sitting like those wooden horses that destroyed dozens of genitals. He was shivering to the point he couldn't get his leg to move to one side of the roof so that he could rest his balls.

Looking over at the ladder that was set there, he blamed it on everything other than his bad decision. Sam sighed as he tried to gain courage, his hands doing the inhale and exhale motion.

He shakingly brought over his other leg to one side, facing the ladder. He moved as slow as a sloth, wriggling forward little by little until he could lay his back against the roof and his hands could grab the top of the roof.

As his hands pushed him forward little by little, he could feel his toes touch the ladder. He was extremely confident until he heard a roof tile crack.


Now, he's truly stuck. Laying down would lower the chance of anyone noticing him but at least it saved his pride. His hands are now getting sweaty and weak. Sam's grip on the edge is deteriorating.

He's starting to panic, looking around but not moving at all. His heart rate goes up insanely high, it feels like he's being crushed by his anxiety. As he loses his grip, he yelped.

But it turns out, due to the friction made by his shirt, he's indeed sliding down. Slowly. He just sat up, wondering what the fuck just happened. From the point of view of the neighbors, they just thought it was some madman and watched him from the moment he went up the ladder.

His face was a little famous so the neighbor recognized him. After Sam realizes that he has an audience, his face burns with embarrassment. He got onto the ladder and prepared to climb down, the feeling of eyes staring at him was frightening.

He couldn't help but feel insecure and ashamed. Sam slowly put his foot on the step below, descending one by one. He kept going down until he felt his butt hit something.

Oh, it's just Waylon standing right below Sam's ass.


Waylon took a huge whiff, exhaled, and stepped back away from Sam. "I will catch you. Jump." Clearly, Sam had no trust and just kept climbing down until he reached the ground which was only a few steps.

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