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A/N side story sisnce I didnt post
Chapter prob coming out soon dk


Resting in the bathtub, Waylon suddenly left in a hurry.

Gosh! That scared me...

I couldn't find any fucks to give about him leaving and continued to enjoy the warm bath while I still could. My tense muscles and strain were all gone.


I huffed in happiness, splashing around in the water.


"What? I don't get what the book is fucking saying!" Waylon yells while rubbing his eyes. "Ugh!" He got up and walked to the counter.

The librarian seemed to be shaking in fear as they grabbed the book and scanned it. "R-Return it next m-month."

He glared intensely at the librarian before heading out. "The librarian reminds me of him so much... He's just as scrawny as the librarian. Oh well, time to shop for some treats."

There were many stares in his direction, the book adding to the stares and his unusual appearance in the supermarket.

"What?! Never seen a person shopping before?!" Just like that, the whole store cleared out, leaving just him and the staff.

Unable to find what he desired, he approached the group of panicking staff trembling. "Oi. What snacks do you recommend?" They couldn't help but freeze in fear that he was so close to them.

"Uhm- You c-can try this." They took out a box of chocolates and held it out to Waylon. He inspected it, opened the box, and took a bite.


"W-What about some strawberry snacks?"

"Hm... Alright, ring that up."

"Right away!"

They scurried off to the counter and keyed in the price. "There," Waylon took it and strode back home. As he arrived, it was mediocre as every time. No greetings, no nothing.

He sighed and went to the kitchen to take a zip-lock bag, opening the strawberry snacks and pouring them in.

After, he went to the living room and read the book that he had taken. Something that he never did before and even the servants were flabbergasted.

He sat for hours, reading the book over and over until he fell asleep. Our lovely main character walked passed, flipped him the bird, and continued with his day. He has done this for a long time. Whenever Waylon has his back turned, he takes the chance to flip him off.

His servants notice this but do nothing to stop it. In fact, they were secretly snickering. Waylon on the other hand, recently woke up and went back to sleep, hearing some laughter made him suspect that something is happening while he was asleep.

So, he set up his master plan. While the bathroom was occupied, Waylon pretended to be senseless, snoring and all. After his suspect had left the bathroom in a robe, he followed the movements. Waylon peeked at him as he walked by the area where he was sleeping at.

Taking out his clenched fist, a middle finger slowly rises like the sun rising from the east and Waylon was too dumbfounded to respond. He lay there stunned, didn't know what to do.


Resting on the couch, Waylon sat there looking at the ceiling. Then, he got a brilliant idea. He took a small mirror and placed it on the table at an angle that could see the door.

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