🌊{His darling}🌊 Finnick X Reader

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I'm aware I have disappeared off the face of this earth for 3 months. And I am deeply sorry. Only praying that this little thing can somewhat make up for it before I continue writing again.

As to those desperately waiting for something new, here it is :') please don't attack me for my long absence (its all school's fault)

So without further ado, let's jump in... after a few warnings lol

TW: Hickeys, swearing... believe that should be it!


The streets of the Capitol were filled with more women than usual today for some reason. On a normal occasion this wouldn't be an issue, one would just assume that more women are just coincidentally shopping for new clothes at the same time. That would have been an option if their eyes weren't glued to you.

Or more specifically, your purple splotched neck.

And although you should have expected it by now, (since you decided to wear a simple hoodie and leggings for the day and didn't bother hiding the hickeys) their stares of judgement and snarky remarks quietly whispered from the others still hurt your heart a little.

"Oh, she's another one of them. I'm surprised he still wants her."

"It'll only be time before that poor naive girl gets tossed away too."

Hurtful comments got thrown at you by most women, many of them muttering why you aren't hiding them. Though you couldn't care. What mattered was that you had the heart of a certain Capitol Darling in your hands. That's right; Finnick Odair.

Finnick had the early reputation of having women as bed warmers for him. Women lined up by his and Snow's doorstep, they fucking worshipped this man. Worshipped his body, to be exact. And what they say is that after one is finished satisfying him, they're no longer invited to his master bedroom, the only souvenir they got back were hickeys dotting their neck, shoulders, and collarbone.

Though it wasn't the case for you. For once Finnick's heart softened to you, and if anything, he worshipped you more than you ever could with him. Love at first sight, really. It started off as a simple attraction when you were (forcefully by your family) at his doorstep, to a more romantic attraction later on. Wanting to be more than what his other 'guests' were.

Though of course, nobody else saw it. And so the judgement continued, especially from the women who were once his pleasures. They were all surprised especially after Finnick kept seeing you after 3 weeks, usually the longest lasted a week before he was done with them.

You sighed and sped walk over to Finnick's house and stuffed your hands in your pockets, walking up to the front door of his luxurious mansion and knocked on the door 3 times. Only moments later did the door open to reveal the handsome man in all his glory. He smiled at you before gesturing you inside.

"Are you ok? You usually aren't here until 4." He asked, kissing your forehead gently, which caused you to slightly smile.

"Can we talk? It's...nothing wrong, I think." You exhaled, looking at the floor and fiddling with your hands. Anxiety crept up inside of you, and it felt like a large tidal wave was just about to come crashing down on you.

Finnick nodded and took your hand carefully, intertwining your fingers with his and led you to the master bedroom.
He took you to the bed and sat down beside you, using his other hand to tilt your chin up to look at him. Your eyes got lost in his sea green ones as splashes of wonderful colours danced in his eyes.

"What am I?" You blurted out, not thinking before speaking. Finnick raised a brow at you in confusion. "Like... am I just like the others? Just a bed warmer until you get bored of me and throw me away? I need to know now... I'm so tired of being called a whore or stupid naive little girl for just loving you, I-..." Your words fumbled out of your mouth quicker than you could process them. There was a pause that felt like centuries gone by, and you bit your tongue while silently scolding yourself.

"Who the hell said that to you?" He asked. You stole a glance to see that Finnick's eyes were filled with rage. If looks could kill, no doubt every person who dared to even look at you funny would be dead. It made you subconsciously smile knowing how protective he was of you.

"It doesn't matter who, Fin. But I want to know, what am I to you-" Your words were cut off as Finnick pressed his lips against yours, cupping your cheeks gently and pulled you closer. His lips tasted of sugar and mint, and you savoured it.

When he pulled back, he rested his forehead by yours. "You are not a bed warmer. You are nowhere near one to me, my darling. I love every single bit of you," His lips wandered down to your neck and placed slight butterfly kisses, mostly going for the bruises he already gave you nights ago. "Every. Single. Bit." He pressed kisses to your delicate skin after each word, causing you to giggle at his affection.

"Do you understand, my darling?" He asked, pulling away to look into your eyes. You looked back at him and smiled softly, the tidal wave that was threatening to crash dissipated away from you. "I do, and thank you. I just needed to hear that." Your head then rested on Finnick's chest, the fabric of his tunic making his chest a perfect pillow for it to rest on. Finnick used the opportunity to pull you closer to him and laid down, forgetting the blankets and just let you rest on him.

"If anyone ever dares to call you that, you'll tell me, right?" Finnick whispered quietly, so quiet you couldn't tell if you could hear him.

"I will,"

"Good. I love you, darling. Don't ever forget, ok?" He kissed your temple before holding you close to him, shielding you from anything the world might throw down onto you. You finally relaxed into his arms (if you haven't already) and closed your eyes, enjoying the soft moment with the one you love most.

It is short but it'll work for now my head is dying from schoolwork lol. Hopefully this pleases some Finnick simpers lurking here 👀

Ok so before I leave (unfortunately I have no meme nor question I can do since brain is dead) if anyone has seen Venom 2 then Y'ALL WOULD KNOW THAT HAYMITCH IS THE BAD GUY RIGHT? ok so to be more specific both characters are played by the same actor but still— Haymitch as a serial killer and a symbiote host sounds terrifying as hell—

Have a lovely day/night you beautiful/handsome/amazing readers! <3

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