Beeduo Highschool AU p. 4

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-Tubbo's POV-

-The next day-

I'm waiting on the couch waiting for a knock at the door. I turn on the tv and watch for about 20 minutes before hearing a knock. I walk to the door and open it, seeing Ranboo standing there.

"Hey Tubbo.." Ranboo said, blushing a bit. "Hey boo!" I say, smiling. They look at me, their face turning even more red. "Boo?" They asked, realizing the nickname. We walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask. They think for a second and shrugs. "Um... we could go to a museum?" They say quietly under their breath. "Sure!" I say. "I love museums!" I smile and we get up, starting to head to a museum.

While walking we were just listening and looking at the nature around us. I felt their hand lightly brush against mine. I take their hand in mine and look up at them, seeing they were looking at me, I smile and start talking about something random.

We had a great time at the museum. We occasionally said a fact about something we saw, giggling every time we interrupted each other and ending up saying the same thing. After a while, we started walking back to my house.

We got inside and watched a movie for a while before deciding we wanted to go get something to eat.

I stopped the show and said, "Boooooo!!! I'm hungryyyyyyyy!!" Ranboo looks at me. "Same.." they say. We start talking about places to go and then finally agree on a small cafe.

-Time skip to after they're done eating-

Once we got back to my place Ranboo said they had to go so we said good-bye and he left. I get ready for bed and lay down, looking at a few things Dream sent me. I quickly text him without thinking twice about my decision.

-Lol, nobody will know what it is until later on.


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