Running Into SynHD

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"Psst Kathy!"

My eyes bolted open to Will at my door and he was meaning to wake me up for some reason. He laughed as I woke up and wiped the sleep from my eyes. "Do you mind?", I asked standing up and stretching. He must be the only one up because no one else was in my room and I couldn't hear them moving around the apartment. "No, I don't", he teased. I shook my head at him and walked over to my wardrobe in search for some clothes to wear. I opened the sliding door, which then greeted me to some shelves, draws and a pole where my jackets were hung up.

As I rummaged through my clothes, I wasn't sure whether Will was there or not but I heared the door close. I turned and saw that he had left closing the door behind him. He didn't seem okay, but I don't know whether it was something up with him or with Adam. You know how twins can show one another's emmotions, Will does it really well unlike Adam. After I decided to get changed into a pair of black denim shorts, a black Misfits t-shirt, red converse and to accesorize I put on my bracelets and a necklace along with my red beanie. I looked in my mirror to make sure I look 'okay', which I didn't really care but it was part of my daily routine.

I still had Tom's hoodie from a week ago, so I took that into the main room with me as I felt like going out soon. Aaron and Adam were passed out on both of the couches, that means that Jesse is in his room and I can't remember seeing Joey last night so I wasn't too concerned about him. Will was chilling in the kitchen with a glass of OJ and I decided to join him. "So, you nervous?", Will attempted to make conversation. He must be referring to the date type thing I am going on with Tom, which I am more excited for than nervous but I think I will truly find out later.

"Not really", I said shrugging. I took out a glass from the cupboard opposite Will and wondered over to the fridge to get the carton of OJ to pour into the glass. Will was smiling at me, 'well his mood changed', I thought to myself. "I guess that's good", he suggested. I took a sip of my drink and turned to see the two lazy ass' stiring from their sleep. I think Will was happy for me, but I never know with that son of a gun. Adam was the first to stand and wonder over to me and Will. He had to be half naked as well, but we just ignored him. "Morning", I simply said finishing off my OJ.

He just groaned in response and Will tried to hold in a laugh that was towards his twin. I might go into town for a while and do something with myself as I haven't really done much with myself a lately. "Well, I am going out do you guys want anything?", I asked. They shook their heads, so I got my phone Tom's hoodie and went out of the door. I only live fifteen minutes away from town so I decided to walk. I wonder what tonight is going to be like. Hopefully, Tom is the same guy that I met on the elevator, when we shared stories and things.

It was a fun time during the blackout, but now I am going to go on a date with the one guy I met in the blackout. The hoodie that I was wearing I grew attached to, so if he wants it back he will have to fight me. Just kidding, he can have it back if he really wanted it back but I would miss it. I mean, seiously miss it and if I lose it I will possibly cry myself to sleep. Well, he let me keep it when we got to the hotel room, so I don't see why he would take it off of me, but he can have it back it he really, really wants it back.


I have been walking around town half of the day and decided that I had enough of shopping and things. Sometimes through out the day, I stopped to have conversation with a few of the stores owners and I got to catch up with things, as we hadn't seen each other in a while. Now, I think I will stop for some food or something, I don't like shopping so I didn't buy much, just some more clothes and things. I sat and ordered a sandwich with a coffee, which soon got brought to my table and I thanked the waitress. I decided to relax for a while, that means listening to music and checking over Twitter while eating and taking a sip from my coffee every now and then.

Soon I got distracted by getting a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see the fluffy blue haired guy that I was meant to see later. I smiled taking out my headphones and looked up to him,"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I could ask you the same, but it would be obvious that you have been shopping", he teased,"Oh, and I believe this is yours." Tom handed me my locket, which had a photo of my guys in its contense, and by guys I mean all of the people that were in my apartment this morning plus Joey.

"Thanks, how did you know it was mine?", I questioned, because I was just letting my curiosity take over me.

"Well, I recognised it from last week, so I went searching for you. You dropped it by the merch stall. Um, may I?", he smiled and then sounded a little unsure when he asked the question to put my necklace on for me. I nodded and he put it on for me. Tom is so sweet for his own good, but I am not here to warn him and tell him to leave me. He sat down in front of me and smiled,"What are you listening to?", he tried to make conversation. I handed him my headphones and let him listen as music was still playing through them, which was one of the songs I love the most. He listened for a while and just frowned a little at me, maybe he isn't into the kind of music I was into, but he sang 'My Songs' with me possibly because he knows it from Sonja singing it so much.

"Sorry, but I am not too into rock and metal, but I am into you", he is attempting to flirt with me now. It worked though, as I could feel myself blush like a tomato. He just laughed a little at my rosy cheeks,"I see that you are into my hoodie too."

"Yeah, it's warm and comfortable to wear", I said. He didn't buy it though, even though I wanted him to, it didn't work. The hoodie reminds me of Tom and it smells good, so if you were me you would be attached to it too.

"You do know, I am not going to buy that right?", he raised an eyebrow at me teasingly. Well, I got gotted, I know that doesn't make sense but it did to me and would make sense to Tom if I said it aloud. "How about we begin the date now? We go back to your place to drop your shopping off and we go out for a walk and go to Nando's later?", he suggested. It sounded good to me, it means I can spend more time with Mr Syndicate and have less time with the guys.

"Are you sure you want to go to my appartment and see the guys in there fan girl all over you?", I teased, even though it was true about my guys. He laughed a little and then stood up taking my hand helping me up, he also grabbed a bag from the floor just to lend a helping hand and we headed to my appartment to drop my things off and maybe for me to change into some jeans.

The Stream (sequel to The Blackout)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें