The Balcony Scene (Second Chances)

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When we got back to the apartment, no words were said and we all went to do our own thing. Sonja, Tucker and Jordan decided to shoot a video together, before it was time to stream. (A/N Ssh, I just realised I messed up, but it doesn't matter.) Tom chilled in our room with me. He didn't want to leave my side. Though, I didn't want him to leave either.

We were on the bed in our room and he was holding me close by my hip. His thumb was rubbing my hip bone, whilst I rested my hand on his hoodie covered chest and just stared into his eyes. Tom's eyes stred into my own and we didn't say anything to each other. It was a peaceful moment, with my music playing quietly and just listening to each other breathe. I could feel his heart beat: slow, steady and at what I would call peacful. It all set the scene.

How did I get so lucky with meeting Tom? I wouldn't ever imagine being with someone like him at all. Sometimes I thought that I would end up alone. Sometimes I would have someone until they found out about what I did and then they would leave me. People just wouldn't trust me and so far Tom has trusted me. He got me out of the Caitlin situation and he persuaded me to come to America. I can't believe how much he has done for me.

At the moment, I can feel my heart pounding hard and fast just at the thougt of telling Tom. What if he is like everyone else?  They all left me and I felt worthless, still do. The only people who haven't left me are the twins and the other guys. Tyler left me, the twins family gave up on me and the twins and my parents fell out with me. I don't know what they all think, but I know I would never hurt anyone I love on purpose.

I even got invited back to the festival a few times, but I declined. There was no thouht put into it, just my anxiety. My brain never thought about the possibility of me getting better by going back. My anxiety just told me not to go back there, maybe not ever. Though, now I think about it, it may have helped me recover but I didn't think. I pushed every opportunity away after that incident. My mind set changed, making my anxiety take over.

It has changed a bit though. My mind is slowly starting to take control and by telling Syndi a few things earlier and I will tell him more later after stream. He wants me to keep it slow as he saw me break down and I said it wouldn't hurt to break down again. Tom didn't feel comfortable with what I said and I told him I will tell him, but it might take a while. He was being so sweet about it though.

"Okay, it's stream time. You sure you'll be okay?", he asked brushing my hair away from my face to look at me. I nodded and tilted my head up a little. Tom got the hint putting a small grin on his face before moving his head down so our lips could meet. I swear every time we do this I feel like turning away and I don't know why. Though, it was perfect every time, he wouldn't be too harsh just sweet. My hand caressed his cheek and I could feel the small moustache tickling my hand and I felt Tom smile against my lips. I love it when guys do that.

"Okay, go stream my Syndi", I whispered when we pulled away smiling.

"If you need me you know where I am", he said and got up walking towards the door. He held the door and turned to me before blowing me a kiss and giving me a really cheesy grin.

"Syndi, you're a cheesy bar stool!", I teased rolling onto my back stretching and messing the sheets up.

Tom just laughed and called me his 'Kat', which is new to me, the others had never called it me I don't think. He then left with a smile on his face and leaving me smiling like a lunatic. I can't remember the last time the person I'm dating has made me this happy, like Tom does and we have only been on one date. Maybe I should collar him about that and tell him that we should do it again. Last time I had fun.

I arched my back to stretch again and thought about what I should do whilst Tom is streaming. Maybe,  I can do something that I haven't done in a long time. It could also be a surprise for my Syndi and I can give it to him at the end of the trip, when it'll most likely be finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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