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Earliest and worst way to wake up is by being sick. It sucks and right now I feel horrible. I have no idea what is wrong with me though. It might just be a bug or something. Probably from Jesse, he didn't feel to good the other day.

I finnished brushing my teeth and went to my room to check on Will. He was curled in a ball and hugging the blanket I gave him last night. I don't think he is okay, he was sobbing last night and I heard him get up a few times. He might just want to be left alone. I will check on him late unless he gets up before I do,but I doubt it.

I grabbed my phone and went into the kitchen. Being sick sucks. I feel dizzy, but that isn't what is bothering me. It's being red hot all of the time, but your skin feels cold. That is always horrible, because everyone is like 'your cold put a sweater on'. It gets annoying having the same conversation over and over.

I sat on a stool around the breakfast bar with a bottle of water. No one has moved from where I saw them last night. They were all still asleep on the couches in the room. I think they all live here; they haven't left to go home. Well, Joey has, but he comes back.

There was a knock on the door. That's odd for this time in a morning. I checked my phone again to make sure it was still early and it was. Another knock on the door. "Are you gonna answer that? It might be my sister", Adam moaned. I laughed at his morning and just woken up tone of voice. Very...raspy, I think.

"At this time?", I retorted as I walked to the door and opened it.

"She still lives with my father what do you expect", he said matter of factly. He stood and walked to the door and then had a shocked expression on his face. "I am ill", he sighed and blushed slightly. He then walked away and crashed back on the couch, almost landing on Jamie. I shook my head at him.

"So, I'm a girl now?", Tom was leaning against the door frame and smirking. I laughed and punched his arm lightly.

"No Adam, I'm the one that's ill", I reported to him. He just groaned and stayed on the couch. "Would you like to come in?", I asked Tom and stood back for him.

He stepped inside and walked into the living room laughing a little. I closed the door and followed him through to the kitchen and sat bavk on my stool. "Are you okay?", he asked me furrowing his eyebrows.

I shook my head a little and took a sip of my water. "Just a little sick, but I don't like staying in bed or whatever", I replied. He nodded and wrapped his arms around my wais from behind. His head was resting on my shoulder and I quickly checked the time on my phone. Slowly, everyone will be getying up and I know the exact order from when I have been up early in the past.

"I bet I can tell you what order these guys will get up", I turned my head to him. He looked to me so his lips were pressed against my neck and he hummed.

"Are you sure", he breathed onto my neck sending shivers down my spine. He chuckled as he felt me shiver again and I just flucked his cheek.

"Yes I can and stop doing that", I moaned at him.

"How will it go then?", he teased in my neck, again.

"Challenge accepted!", I exclaimed quietly. "Adam is already awake so that's him out. Next is Will, then Joey, Aaron, Jamie and then Jesse", I said nonchalantly.

As if on cue Will walked through the door and to the fridge. He didn't look any better than he sounded through the night. He looked so warn out and you could see his eyes were still slightly red. Dead walker William Hagin. He was the undead; the undead is in our house there is no where to run. I am worried for him you know. He hasn't been right ever since the incident with Leeyah and now, I don't think me being with Tom is helping. I don't want ti get rid of Tom though, he needs to be in my life. I am stuck, I don't know what to do, my mind will be lost in my thoughts forever.

The Stream (sequel to The Blackout)Where stories live. Discover now