A New Sound...

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A/N Hey! There have been just over a hundred reads already on this fic! Thankyou guys! There have been over five hundred views on the first book. Spoilers! On Mianite Martha and Steve have built a Thomas The Tank Engine and it looks Amazing!

Pls watch the video on the side I will explain at the end of this part.

We got out of my appartment before we got too distracted by my friends. They are great guys, but they can distract you and make you stay at home, to make you late for something or not go to it. "So, where do you wanna go?", Tom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Where should we go? Tom told me we were going to Nando's at 7:00pm and it's 5:00pm now, so we have plentiful time to waste.

"How about... The place where I first met Adam, Will and Jamie?", I responded, but turned a question back to him. To be honest, I haven't been to those woods in a long time and I need to pay a visit to them maybe. I think Tom would like it there; maybe we can relax there and get to know each other a lot better.

"Yeah, okay then, but I thought you said that was up North", he looked a little confused.

"No, I mentioned a different woods that are up North, but that's not where I met those guys. I might take you there as well one day", I said, but flirted a little at the end. Tom nodded and I think he understood, maybe I confused him a bit about the two different wooded areas I like to go to.

We chatted as I led Mr Syndicate to the woods and he told me a little bit about Jericho and CaptainSparklez, which made me laugh a little. He told me about Jericho's dog, Grizzwald and I think I want to meet this dog, I think I may also ge attached to him as well. All this talking is just about pointless things, it's not small talk, it's a conversation that two friends would have. In the elevator there was possibly a small amount of small talk, but we ended up telling each other stories and sleeping.


I led Tom to the tree where me and the guys used to hang out, until Tyler left to go back up North and work became more important. We sat down against the tree and took a quick breather whilst watching the sun set over the horizon. Sometimes, I wish that it would just stay where it is, so I can go to the edge of the Earth and touch it. I know I am weird. I think it fascinates me too much that I have strange thoughts about anything. Like Tom's hair, yeah, it reminds me of the ocean in a way. I think it's the way his hair goes from a misty green to a mixture of ocean blue and ocean green to electric blue, it's a good mixture, like Kellin Quinn's eyes which do have a good mixture of ocean blue and ocean green. Again! These weird thoughts! At least no one else knows what I am thinking.

"So, tell me what you are thinking about right now", Tom breathed and the laid across my legs.

Shit! Did I say that out loud? Or did he read my mind?

"I was just thinking about how your hair reminds me about the ocean", I said casually, maybe I didn't think about what I should actually have said. Oops, never mind.

"How come?", he asked. Did he give me a weird look before he said that.

"Um, you know... in between the electric blue and misty green it's like a mix of ocean blue and ocean green", I admitted, before I could change my mind.

"A bit like your eyes", he said softly, looking into my eyes. No he can't have said that about my eyes. can he? His eyes are something that I could adore for days. I don't know what it is about them that could distract your thoughts, maybe, even when you are mad at him he could distract you. It's something that says you can't be mad at him for too long and you can just fall for him all over again. Truly mesmerizing. "So, I know I said I don't like the kind of music you listen to, too much. I am sorry though if it offends you, but give me a listen to one song you think I may like from just looking at me", he sugested.

I got my phone out with my headphones (I carry them everywhere, it's just a release) and scrolled through my music. Once I found a song that I thought he may like I gave him an earphone and I took the other playing the song. This song is by a band that was from my home up North and when I listened to them it made me feel back at home. Sometimes, it's a good back at home feeling and others it can be a bad back at home feeling, but this time I don't have the urge to think of home. I chose this song because it is a very well known song by the original artist and I know that Tom will know the words.

 The song had finnished so I put my phone away and I looked down at Tom waiting for a response towards the choice of song. "I know that the song was originally by Adele, but I prefer this cover loads more!", Tom beamed. I am so glad he liked it, so maybe I could get him to the band's original songs. He smiled and I smiled back, yet again getting lost in those eyes of his. Ugh, only if he would stop staring at me and then I might be able to get my words out. "What band was that?"

"A band from my home town called Take The Seven", I replied. He raised an eyebrow as if he was interested to here more about the band, even though I don't know much about them. All I know is that they have done a few covers and wrote some of their own songs. "One of their own written songs I like is 'Circles' I think", I said, to interrupt the silence between us.

"Sounds interesting, can I listen?", he asked. I nodded getting my phone out and then put the songs by Take The Seven on shuffle. I hope thet he still likes them after listening to their original songs.



Hey! Did you enjoy that part? Let me know in the comments.

If you didn't watch the video on the side then pls watch it. It is cover by a band that was mentioned in this fic called 'Take The Seven'. They are legends and I really like them. I have met the lead guitarist, Simon and the drummer, Gaz in person and they are absalute legends. They have done a couple of covers that are on YouTube, but Simon showed me the cover that is on the side and it is really ggood. The band is from the same town as me which is Chesterfield, England (don't come and eat my soul, because it for one is creepy and for two I lost it, so it's in Denmark somewhere ssh) They have released a few songs of their own and they have their own studio, but please check them out and I would appreciate it. Thanks

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The Stream (sequel to The Blackout)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt