Just A Waiter?

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So far America has been doing a few favors for me and it has helped me cope. This morning I woke to Tom by my side and I was greeted by Sonja and Tucker before breakfast. They were being really nice and Tom helped me relax this morning as I still felt a little tense from what I saw in the clouds during the flight here. The small massage was nice and soothing. Well, being in Tom's arms were nice and soothing, so I feel better but I am on edge a little and I do need to learn to relax more. I can't help it though, it's just my reflexes. My conscience was telling to be aware, which I am but I think a little too much, and my heart is telling me to relax.

Jordan Maron was also here and he greeted me this morning just as he walked in and he was too also being nice. These people are better than I imagined and will always be, I think. Never in my life did I imagine meeting YouTubers like these guys, never mind actually spending time with them and being in a relationship with one of them. It's crazy I know and it feels so...so surreal.

Right now, I felt so relaxed and like there was nothing that is worrying me, though I knew there was. It will always be at the back of my mind. The relaxing part was holding Tom's hand and walking around the comic book store Sparklez dragged us to or just spending time with him. I don't mind coming to comic book stores, but I never really get the chance to as there aren't any decent comic book stores in the UK. This is another reason why I quite like America about now , because I can gawp at all the Marvel comics. Only if all the superheroes could be in the same movie for once.

Every now and then I noticed Tom glance at me from where he was talking to Sonja, while I spoke to CaptainSparklez on the other side of the store. It was like Syndi was trying to make sure I was okay and every time I caught him watching me he would send me a smile. Syndi's smiles were amazingly contagious, so every time I would return the gesture and he would be satisfied. Every time I caught his eyes, I would freeze and enjoy the mocha color in them until I saw his smile.

I have no idea how long I spent looking through various comics about DareDevil, Deadpool and other superheroes but I enjoyed every second of it. Also, I had a bit of what Jordan calls 'the bants'  about Batman and Superman and which one would win a fight. I was all for Batman, but SparklyPantz wasn't too sure so the banter was between him and himself, pretty funny. Batman would totally win as he has a kryptonite belt and ring, so he can use Superman's weakness against him and because he is BATMAN! However, Jordan says that Superman can reverse time. Yes! he can, but not when he is weak.

Tom seamed amused by the little bit of banter Jordan was having with himself and I think Sonja and Tucker were also. This is possibly the most fun I have had in a comic book store for a while and it feels great. It's like really refreshing and I feel more alive. If I could I would thank these guys for making me feel so much better, but I have to face my problems some time soon. 

As if on cue; trouble lurked through the door.

Whilst I was waiting in line with Tom and Jordan to pay for whatever merchandise we had and for me it was a couple of Deadpool comics. What can I say? Deadpool is pretty amazing and is a sneaky bastard. Tom was holding me by the waist and resting his head on my shoulder and swaying a little as he was stood behind me, swaying me also. It was a simple gesture and I loved every second of his warm presence around me. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at the door and in walked a very familiar face, with the familiar locks of dark blonde hair and blue eyes. It made my heart sink and my eyes sparkle with tears.

Oh god, it's the only guy I haven't seen in a long time. The only guy that would help me through everything, before I met any of the other guys. It was Tyler. I just froze and grew tense quicker than I could say 'Marvel' or anything else for that matter. Tom noticed, I think, so he began to rub his thumbs into my lower back again but it wasn't helping this time. It was soothing, but not helping.

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