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"Whether you like it or not, you will do it, I don't care about your opinion in this situation."

"'In this situation?' And when did you care about my opinion in other situations?" 

Screaming and crying are the only things I can force out of myself in this moment. My mother lost her mind. Totally. I don't give a shit if I should do it or not. There is no way I can do that.

I'm twenty two years old. My name is Naomi. Since childhood, I grew up in a fairly rich home and also from childhood, I was always told what to do.

"Since you have not found anyone, you are not dating anyone, or maybe no one wanted to be with you, which does not surprise me so much when I look at you-"

"Stop. Don't start this conversation again."

My mother never showed me maternal warmth and love. I got used to that. However, I will not let myself be slandered again.

"It has always been this way and it will be so now. You will marry the person I and your dad choose for you."

"Don't call him my dad. He is not my father! How many times do I have to tell you this?"

My biological dad passed away when I was a few years old. He was a good man. He died in an airplane accident on the way to a business meeting.

I am not stupid. I don't like Roman, not because he has taken my biological dad's place in our family. I understand that you cannot live your whole life mourning the loss of a loved one. Initially, I had a good attitude towards Roman. Despite my mother's shortcomings, I was glad that she picked herself up after my father's death and found a new loved one. I don't like him because he's just a bad person. He does scams and cheats and much more.

I mean, you can't say she found a new lover. She was ordered to marry Roman, but she seemed happy. It is not tolerated in our family to be without a partner (if you are a woman) when you reach the age of twenty-three.

I find this strange and incomprehensible.

"Mom, can you hear yourself? I'm very young, I have a lot of time to find myself a partner. Besides, I don't think it's necessary in every human's life. Being in a relationship does not guarantee you happiness, and you probably would like me to be hap- "

"I will decide about your happiness when and how it will happen! Your fate is destined. I have an impact on your life and you will follow my vision."

Oh okay Mr. Dumbledore.

What the fuck? She lost her mind.

"I don't understand, mom. You had to marry Roman, as someone had to take my father's position in the company. You don't seem to be dying with Roman at this point. You don't need a replacement for the firm at this moment. You, him, grandparents are doing well. By the way, I do not understand why it is always a man who has to manage our family business."

"Naomi, this has been the case for several decades. It was like that in the time of your great-grandparents, grandparents, us-your parents, and it will be so in your time. Your future husband will be responsible for the company and you will support him in this. End of discussion. Your grandma got married by arrangement and she lives happy, my second marriage was arranged and I'm happy too, so I think you can do it too."

"But mom, it doesn't make sense. I don't understand, after all, I could learn to manage a company when my turn comes. I don't know why there is such a rush. After all, I am your daughter. You really want a stranger to manage your business? Do you want a stranger to be my husband, do you want him to live with me?"

"Arranging marriages in our family has always made sense. I understand that it may be incomprehensible to your mind, but-"

wow thank you mother

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