Day 12: A Puppet's Wish

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(Yes, that's my art at the top :))
(Credits to my friend LovesRoss for having one of their books being a huge inspiration for this specific chapter!)
(Also, this is also an entry for Firehedgehog's Dreamcember! As well as an idea I adopted from her called 'Puppet Love')
(I posted ahead because my timezone is ahead of Fire's so yeah.)

Being a being that was rudely discarded by some bystanders, it gets tiring day by day. It doesn't help that some kids were rowdy too and some just disregarded him as some kind of random toy... Which in this case, he technically is one.

There were times where he ends up in the hands of nice people, but they would eventually just end up having to sell him off because they've 'grown up' and the likes of him shouldn't exist in their life anymore.

It was quite painful, and the worst part is that sometimes, he gets hurt so much so and he can't do anything about it. He can't heal after all, the seams of his that was tore through and broken, his stuffing coming out was very painful. But he had eventually learned to live with it, as he can't really move, and he can't cry about it either because he doesn't even have tears to shed.

His magic doesn't work most times, only enough to really keep him alive after a. He even has quite a lot of tears, maybe even missing a finger or two time to time... Why was he forsaken to stay as a doll with no way out...

This was meant to be a silly little prank, he said, they'll remember him and turn him back to normal, he said... He shouldn't've trusted him... Stars, why did they even want to get rid of him, he was sure he did nothing wrong... Was he... Always Fated to get stabbed in the back? Is that it...?

Stars, he's afraid of being touched by any other beings now, especially if they'll end up just giving him to bratty kids who'll throw him aimlessly when they throw a tantrum, then rip him up piece by piece because of their hatred...

He always hated those...

At least some parents had the decency to stitch him up together... But still... Some were not as nice, so he has to wait for a couple of months, maybe even a whole year before he gets pieced back together by whatever's magic that's left on him.

So when he heard footsteps approaching the area he was carelessly thrown into by another round of unforgivable kids a couple of days ago, he fears the worst. He'd cry, beg, scream to not be touched, but alas, he couldn't even utter a single word.

"ThE fUcK?" Dream felt his nonexisting marrow.... Er... Stuffing? Run cold at the glitchy voice. Gentle hands carefully picked up Dream and he was then face to face with the infamous Destroyer. The God of Destruction, the person feared by most. He wishes that he could die at that point, but he can't...

Oh what cruel irony, a God of Positivity like him, seeking for death...

He just wants this suffering to end.

"ShEeSh. YoU'rE hEaViLy DeStRoYeD... dAmN..." Dream would flinch from the opposing hand, but there wasn't anything he could do, just stare with a permanent smile on his stitched face. "MiSsInG aRm... TaTtErEd CaPe... PrObAbLy DoEsN't HeLp ThAt YoU lOoKeD lIkE tHe MiSsInG pOsItIvItY gOd FrOm SiX aNd A hAlF cEnTuRiEs AgO..." Error mumbled to himself, Dream was confused. Wouldn't he have destroyed him on sight...? So why hasn't he?

And dang, he never realized that he's been gone for that long... He doesn't even remember the last time he's had a nice person taking care of him, as his luck seems to always land him in the hands of unruly kids.

"ThAt'S nOt GoOd." Error raised a brow and then looked around, he then frowned at something before letting out a small 'tsk' before looking up at the sky. Just great, it has began to rain. Error hummed a bit, seemingly staring at the sky for a few more minutes before opening a portal to the Anti-VOID.

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