~ Opening Statements ~

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Welcome to Publicity Stunt!!
Where 'A Sprinkle of Love' is more
than just a movie title.


Why "Low Stress" in the Title?

Since this fic isn't pre-written, I don't have a publishing schedule for you guys!! It's more of a come to relax type fic than massive project so it's being updated as I go. There's no time or word count goal, we can just chill together with the boys as chapters get written <3


Author's Note

Welcome to a little break from reality! I debated whether or not to publish Publicity Stunt; it's a little slice of life away from my own so it's more of a stress relief than anything else. This fic's planned structure is short, sweet, and hopefully also fun! Which I realized maybe you guys would enjoy the light break from reality too so for the first time in forever, I'm publishing as I go!

Basically, I've been wanting to write a story about feeling alone. I know there are readers out there who've felt isolated and - well it can be tough to realize that it won't always be that way. The world has hidden the people you're meant to meet from you but that doesn't mean that they aren't there. You'll find them. So hold on, keep searching, because no one, no army out there, will be alone. We have the boys and we have each other too~

I love you guys,
Come de-stress with me💜

- Violette

Low Stress: Publicity Stunt (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now