chapter 9

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"Pray tell," he drawled. "What were you thinking?"

After Mr. Arthur had dragged me out of the snow and inside, a dead silence had enveloped everyone. The girls vanished into their rooms and I sat by the fireplace in the living room. Mr. Arthur was looking at me with a mixture of contempt and curiosity.

"I wasn't," I snapped.

"What?" Asked Mr.Arthur.

"Thinking," I added.

Mr. Arthur just glared at me. The snow had probably made me very sick if I was being sarcastic with him. I sighed and looked away into the fire. Uneasy with the situation. I was so cold, I could barely move but I knew I had to leave. It was about ten pm when Miss Edith came into the room and brought tea with her.

"Here dear, drink this and you shall be fine."

Slowly and achingly I stretched my numb and frozen fingers. But they were clumsy and the cup fell to the floor. Immediately I realised that some of the tea had spilled onto my foot and I hissed. Miss Edith rushed forward.

"I am so sorry." I tried to get up but to no avail. Mr. Arthur stopped miss Edith. "Please get a wet clothe. I will handle this." Miss Edith looked surprised but she nodded and left.

Mr. Arthur bent down and picked up the cup. With his other hand, he touched my fingers.

"Your still cold," he muttered. If my fingers weren't already freezing to death, I would have pulled away immediately.

"I thought that would be obvious." His eyes snapped to mine. Maybe it was surprise that I saw flash in his eyes. For the first time, it felt like we had exchanged words without any contempt. Uncomfortable, I snatched my hand away and tried to stand up.

"I should leave," I said, gathering all my strength. I tried to stand up but then sudden pain rushed to my foot. Hissing, I sat back down.

"Very wise decision" muttered Mr. Arthur. I just glared at him.

"Show me your foot," He said.

I slid my feet under my gown. He rolled his eyes. "This is hardly the time to be proper, Miss simpson."

I shook my head. "I am fine!" I said quickly. He just glared at me and left. Fifteen minutes must have went by, when miss Edith came back and Mr. Arthur was at her heals.

"Let me tend to your foot, " said Miss Edith and started bandaging it. Not only was I cold and freezing but also had a burnt foot to make it interesting. I cursed my own luck.

"All done!" exclaimed Miss Edith. I slowly stood up but my head was spinning, looking around for my coat, I noticed it was placed in front of the fireplace to dry. I picked it up and slowly tried to wear it.

"What are you doing girl!" Miss Edith said.

"Trying... to... leave" I gritted through my teeth. She shook her head and went outside.

Mr. Arthur was glaring at me.

"Although I don't particularly like your company or want you around." I really hated him. He continued, stalking towards me.

"Truth of the matter is you cannot go home, the streets are blocked with snow," He continued.

"This behaviour of yours is utterly foolish, didn't I say that I don't want you around whenever I am here?" He said angrily.

"I don't particularly want to be here either," I snapped, "And I do not care, if the streets are indeed blocked, I can walk my way home!" I said seething. I must really have been sick; I forgot all my restraint regarding him. I tried to walk towards the door but my legs were so numb.

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