first day of school with the goofy personality part-2

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Sahithi POV:
                        Like I said it's majestic.hagrid continued"isn't he beautiful... Say hello to buckbeek" I said " he is beautiful" Ron asked" Hagrid exactly what is that" " that Ron is a hippogriff first thing you wanna know about hippogriffs they are very proud creatures very easily offended you do not want to insult them it may be the last thing you ever do " I asked " Hagrid can I pet him" " of course"before Hagrid say any instructions I bowed to buckbeek he immediately bowed back I went near him and touched his beak and leaned into my touch and rubbed his beak against my hand I laughed softly and started taking to it and it's replies me back and I am laughing.hagrid and the others are shocked seeing the hippogriff so friendly to me well there is Harry Potter who thaught who cute I look talking to it. Hagrid continued" now who would like to come and say hello" all the students went back except harry who is busy looking at us , Hagrid beamed at harry " well done harry well done" he is confused for a second and saw back and understood that he volunteered without his consent because their classmates stepped back when I saw these I am giggling . Hagrid continued" come on now" when harry is not moving Ron pushed him front " now you have to make him for the first move it's only polite step up  now give a nice bow and wait till if he bows back  you can go touch him if not we will come that to later... Make your bow" I went to some distance after assuring buckbeek I will be there , " nice and low" harry had bowed buckbeek saw him winged here feathers" back off harry back off" when harry stepped back he stepped on a twig and I am afraid for him " nice and low steady steady" after buckbeek analysing him he bowed back " well done harry well done here you go big brute" Hagrid gave a dead freet to buckbeek I have my breath back that harry is safe . Harry sighed in relief  Hagrid said " now you can go and pat him now" harry seemed uncertain" go on go on now" harry looked at me I gave him a encouraging nod he had streached his hand and moving slowly to buckbeek " not so fastly" buckbeek is clapping his beak at harry , I saw Mione catch Ron hand in fear for harry and realised what she did and moved away akwardly and suppressed a chuckle. Buckbeek is slowly coming to harry and leaned against his palm and harry rubbed his palm against buckbeek and smiled at him and winked at me I chuckled, all the students and Hagrid are clapping " well done harry well done I think he will let you and harry ride him" two reactions came from me and harry " really" " what" Hagrid already lifted harry and harry is like " hey hey Hagrid Hagrid " and lifted me and set me behind harry, Hagrid continued"just hold to wing joint don't pull out his feathers he won't appreciate it off you go" Hagrid slapped the rear of the buckbeek and buckbeek start to take of Harry hold buckbeek and I had hugged his wait it fell so nice to be near him. When we came to the sky we released our hold on each other and enjoying the view and shouting" oh oh oh " and buckbeek came down to black lake and had one of his leg down the water and we heated a wisitle sound buckbeek and we  went back there  when we came students are shouting " well done harry and sahithi" With the help of Hagrid we got down , and Hagrid asked as" well done well done how am I doing the first day" me and harry looked each other and said " brilliant professor" , on corner of my eye I saw Malfoy" oh please " he pushed the students and coming near buckbeek " yeah your not dangerous at all aren't you big ugly brute" " Malfoy" buckbeek is  offended for what Malfoy said and it took its front legs to strach him on the arm and  he fallen down wineing ,when buckbeek went to do wort Hagrid came and said" woah woah waoh come down buckbeek ... Go away you silly creature" he thrown a dead freet so he can go and eat there , Malfoy is saying" it killed me it killed me"

 Go away you silly creature" he thrown a dead freet so he can go and eat there , Malfoy is saying" it killed me it killed me"

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