crystal grazing and buckbeak execution

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Harry POV:
Let's just say sahithi is pretty upset that map is in the hands of professor lupin even if she is his goddaughter he would not give to her and she is not angry at me she is angry at Snape because he is the one who given the map to professor lupin and no currently we are I mean Ron and me are in divination which is going on on on about crystal gazing , Ron is sleeping and I am just looking at the crystal , professor said" broaden your minds you must look beyond the  art of crystal gazing is in the clearing  of the inner eye only then you can see try again now what do have here? " Professor came to us and Ron woke up just when the professor came ,when I heard Hermione voice I startled when did she come here she always appears out of thin air some thing is fishy , Hermione said " oh do you mind me trying" " ah...ah" " the grim.... Possibly" " my dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed you did not possess the proper spirit for Nobel arts of you see,there?ah,you may be young in years but the heart beats beneath your bosom is an shriveled as a old maids your soul is as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desparately cleave,mm-hmm" oh oh now comes the infamous Hermione temper she just took her hand from the professor pushed the crystal ball which went out the with Hermione leaving the class ,the professor said " have I said something " and we all left the divination class after that Ron said " she is gone mental , Hermione has I mean not that she was always mental but now out in the open for every one to see " I saw the crystal ball and said " hang on
We Better take this back " " I am not going back" " fine see you later" "see you" now like that I am going back to that class to hand over the crystal ball, when I enter the class professor is not there so I thought to keep it on her desk and got but I saw sirius black in the crystal calling my name when I am going to look closely some one had placed thier hand on my shoulder and turned startled to see it's professor and she said " he will return" I just don't understand and said " professor" and she continues like"It will happen tonight... The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was. Tonight... before midnight... the servant... will set out... to rejoin... his master..."
And she started to clear her voice came out of transe and said " I am sorry dear boy did you say something," " nothing" and I left from there and thinking about the the word she said all the day.
The next day is buckbeak execution and we I mean me ,Ron,mione,jas and sahithi are going to hagrids and sahithi look beautiful today wear a Hufflepuff yellow shirt, black pants and her hair in half knot .

The next day is buckbeak execution and we I mean me ,Ron,mione,jas and sahithi are going to hagrids and sahithi look beautiful today wear a Hufflepuff yellow shirt, black pants and her hair in half knot

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When we are on our way to hagrids place we saw some one sharpening the blade and I understood that he is the exicutioner of buckbeak .mione said " I can't believe they are going to kill buckbeak it's just too horrible" jas and sahi nodded and Ron said " it's just got worse" I Heard Draco saying " did you hear that my father said I can keep hippogriff head let's gift it to griffindors in griffindor comman room" I saw mione and sahithi are red in face and started moving to Malfoy how look at the and said " ah,come to se the show " both the girls shouted " you ! You foul loathsum evil little cockroach" they both had their wand up to his face ,Ron shouted" Hermione sahithi no he is not worth it" they lower their wands and turned around and look into each other and nodded and with that I know Malfoy is screwed and they turned back to the laughing Malfoy punched him in the face broking his nose , they both said " that felt good" " not good brilliant" we went to Hagrids Hut and drinking tea that is served and Hagrid is looking at buckbeak and said "oh look at him loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them" me and sahithi said " why don't we just set him free ?" Turned to her to see her hugging me I kept my arm around her waist hagrid said " ah, they would know it was me and then Dumbledore will get in the trouble . He is coming down you know Dumbledore when it happens... Great man Dumbledore" mione said " we will stay with you to Hagrid " " you do no such thing think I have you seeing something like that?no you just drink your tea and be off ,oh before you don,Ron..." Hagrid went to a box removed a rat I recognised it's scabbers ,Ron said " scabbers your alive" " want to keep a closer eye on your pets Ron " mione said " think that means you owe someone an apology" " next time I see crookshakes I will say to him" I saw sahi,mione jas sighed and said " she meant to her Ron" I just laughed softly and heard the vase in the house broken Hagrid said " blimey what was that" and I wen to it and saw the rock and I got hit by some thing and I said " ouch" I looked through the window to see Dumbledore, minister and exicutioner are comeing this way
"Hagrid" " oh creaky it's late it's nearly dark you shouldn't be here if someone see you outside the castle this time of night you will be in trouble biig trouble particulars you harry " we heard knocking " with you in a moment quick quick " I turn around and said " hagrid it will be fine  it will be okay" " go on go on " we went from back door and hiding in the back of the pumpkins and heard a snap and jas turned to see and I said" what is it" " I thought I saw ...never mind" Ron said " come on quick" we are away from hagird faraway we can only see movement happening near the hagrid hit we saw the executioner raised his axe and sliced the buckbeak by listening to that sound girls are hugging each other and crying and ron and me are hugging the girls and ron shouted suddenly to only see his hand is bleeding and said " ow he bit me scabbers come back here " and he want after scabbers we went after him and Hermione saw some thing and said " harry jas sahi isn't that the whopping willow" I said " oh that's not good ron rub" ron turned to us got scared and shouted " harry mione jas sahi run it's the grim" and we saw a big black dog baring it's teeth

never mind" Ron said " come on quick" we are away from hagird faraway we can only see movement happening near the hagrid hit we saw the executioner raised his axe and sliced the buckbeak by listening to that sound girls are hugging each other and ...

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Rushed towards us and jumped above us took ron by his leg through the womping willow and we are shouting for Ron onl y got beatten by womping willow and after lot of struggle we entered the willow and helped the girls to stand and mione said " where are we" " I have an assumption but I praying the god to be wrong " and we went to the open door and saw ron on the floor and rushed to him and aske d" ron are you alright where is the dog " " Harry's it's a trap he is not dog he is animagus " ron pointed us to the door to see the footprints of a dog to changed in to man to only see the man that behind the door is

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