dancing in night

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Sahithi POV :
Well christmas holidays are over and school is resumed as usual and Marauders 2.0 is enjoying the pranks they are doing along with the tutor session I am giving to first and second years and study sessions with friends and mr.james is starting his patronus charm classes today with professor Lupin so he went to that while we in the comman room doing our works given by professor after completing all went to bed ,I sat near the fireplace and waiting for him and I didn't know when I went to sleep untill some one is waking me up
Harry POV:
I went to professor Lupin cabin to learn the patrons charm and he said"harry there you are?,you came. Now are you sure about this harry ? You know this is very advance magic,well beyond the ordinary wizarding level." I said " I am sure" " well everything is prepared now the spell I am going to try to  teach you is called the patronus charm did you ever heard of it no? Well a patronus is kind of a positive force and the wizard who can conjure one, it's work something like a shield with the dementors feeding on it rather than him but order for it to work you need  to think of a memory not just any memory but a very happy memory a powerful memory can you do this?" I nodded " yes very well,close your eyes concentrate explore your past do you have a memory allow it to fill you up loose yourself with in it then speak the incantation expecto patronum" "expecto patronum"
" Very good shall we?" I nodded
" Wands at the ready" professor do some spell on the box he had to remove the lid of the box and then came the dementor and I said " expecto patronum " the candles have been out with the lights " expecto.... Expecto..expecto" and then I fainted and woke up by professor shaking me " here we go ,come on sit up deep breaths it's alright I didn't expect you to do at the first time that would have  been remarkable here eat this you will feel better" giving me a piece of chocolate with really does make me feel better " that's one nasty dementor" " oh no no no no no no that's not a dementor harry that's a Boggart the dementor would be worse much worse as a matter of intrest what are you thinking? which memory did you choose" "the first time I ride my broom" " well that's not good enough ,not merely good enough " " there is another it is not happy, exactly well it is the happiest I ever felt but it's complicated " " is it strong" " yes" " then let's give it a try feel ready " I nodded and professor released the Boggart and I shouted " expecto patronum... Expecto patronum!" And a white light positive energy has came and pushed the Boggart in to the box and professor closed it and said " yes well done harry well done" " I think I had enough.. for today" " yeah . Sit down here eat it it helps , it really helps just say you know harry I think you would have given your father a run for his money and that is saying something" " I was thinking of him and mum seeing their faces,they were talking to me just talking and the first meeting with sahithi theses are the memory I choose. I don't even know the first one if it is real , it's the best one I have" and with that I went to griffindor comman room only to find sahithi is sleeping like a baby there I went and woke her she opened her eyes with that cute scrunch on the nose I said " hey " " hi you came " " yeah" " so how was the lesson" " pretty good" and we sat in silence which is peaceful not awkward I got an idea  and stood before her and she had a confused look like what he is doing and I asked" can I have a dance" she said " you want to dance in midnight with out music" I took the iPod she gifted and started a song she laughed softly and said " well yes good sir"

And we are dancing looking into
Each other eyes and spining around the room and enjoying in each other presence and the polarized cam I have kept in the table is charmed to take the cute picture of our group and it took our picture of dancing, she  stopped dancing because it's getting late and she said " good night me.james" " good night miss.vega" she went her way to dorm stairs but at last minute she turned and ran to me hugged me and went away with same speed and I just shook my head how adorable she looked and took the pic and written the message on the picture and kept it in the trunk and went to sleep with smile on my face .

vega" she went her way to dorm stairs but at last minute she turned and ran to me hugged me and went away with same speed and I just shook my head how adorable she looked and took the pic and written the message on the picture and kept it in the t...

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