advanture of time Turner and professor lupin resign

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3rd pov:
Sahithi,jasmine,mione and Ron are waiting up for harry to wake up, when he saw harry is getting conscious ,Hermione said " harry" harry said" I saw my dad,I saw him across the lake " " what" " he sent the dementors away" by seeing jasmine is crying he asked " why is jas crying" mione said " listen harry they have captured Sirius any minute the dementors are going to perform the kiss"listening this jasmine started crying harder " you mean they are going to kill him" " ni it's worse much worse they are gone to suck his soul out" and then enter professor Dumbledore," headmaster you got to stop them" " Sirius is innocent" " it's scabbers who did it" " scabbers?" " It's my rat ,well percys rat he got an owl I got his rat..." " The point is we know the truth" "please believe us " " I do miss.granger, but who will listen to a bunch of 13 years old witches and wizards to convince others, a child voice maybe truth and honest meaningless who have forgotten how to listen, misterious thing time powerful and when meddled with dangerous, Sirius Black is in the top most cell of the dark tower , you know the laws miss.granger you must not be seen you would well when you return before this last chime .if , not the conveniences are too gastly to discuss.if you succeed tonight more than one innocent life will be saved three turns should do it I think" he winked and said " oh by the way I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin,good luck "went away, ron said " what the bloody hell was that about" mione said," sahi,jas come here . Sorry ron seeing that you can't walk" she had placed the chain of th time turn on three of them and when mione is trying the time Turner hit harry hand away after turning that they came back in time on the same time we are going to Hagrids, mione asked " 7:30 where are we exactly at that time" " we are going to Hagrids place" " come on but we can't be seen" harry is asking what's going on and when he see our past and said " that's us this is not normal" he was about to shout sahithi cover his mouth and pushed him to the wall so mione can explain herself she said " this a timeturner harry McGonagall gave it to me first term this is how I am getting into my classes all year "when sahithi removed her hand harry asked " you mean we gone back in time" "yes"" Dumbledore wanted as to return to this time particularly clearly something happened he wants us to change" and when we saw mione and sahi punching Malfoy in face, harry and jas " good punch" " thanks" seeing Malfoy and gang are coming this way we went and hide in another place and heard that Malfoy is planning something to teach sahi and mione a lesson ,they look into each other rolled their eyes and got laugh from another two, we saw Hagrids Hut to see buckbeak is still alive and sahithi started to victory dance and turned to see the fond looks from three she smiled sheepishly, and went to save buckbeak,we hide backside of pumpkins and harry said we should free him but mione said minister has to see buckbeak if he didn't see it he will think Hagrid had set him free,when we heard scabbers name , harry said" that's pettigrew" tried to get up only brought down by jas and mione said " harry you can't" " that's the man who betray my parents you didn't expect me to sit here" next sahithi is the one brought him down and said " yes and you must" we changed the place and sat down and continue" harry you are in Hagrids Hut right now , if you just go bursting in, He'll think you have gone mad , awful things happened to wizards who meddled with time harry we can't be seen" and we heard Dumbledore voice only to see he is coming with minister and exicustioner and when we turned back to Hut we are not moving harry said" why are we not moving" sahithi saw the same rock that broke the vase in Hagrids Hut when they there and sahithi thrown it to the vase to break it and next mione thrown it to harry head and harry said " ow" " sorry" he just nodded when we see our past selfs are coming we went to the trees that are in the back of the pumpkins ,harry and sahithi stood on one side and mione jas stood on the other side , when
Mione stepped on the branch it snaped and mione past self saw back and said " i thought I saw ... Nevermind let's go" after they went harry and jas trying to get buckbeak to move but it's not moving and Hermione saw the dead freeats and showed them to buckbeak and it started moving , at the same time the minister exicustioner and Dumbledore came outside and we just frozen before minister can see Dumbledore and sahithi distracted the minister , Dumbledore by showing strawberry plants and sahithi by releasing the firecrackers and they went behind the trees and when minister saw that buckbeak is gone he said " where is it , I saw the beast just now not a moment ago" Dumbledore said " how extraordinary" " buckbeak" " oh come on Dumbledore some one obviously released him hagird?" " Professor I didn't" " I don't think the minister suggesting that you had anything to do this hagird afterall how could you have been with us all the time" " well i am" " well well we must search the ground" " search the skies minister meanwhile I would like nice cup of tea or a large glass of brandy" " right" " oh exicustioner your services are no longer needed" and the exicustioner just sliced the pumpkin into two and went away, after saving buckbeak we went and sat sone where near the shireking shacks and harry said " now what" " now we wait" and we saw professor lupin went inside after some time Snape and we are sitting on the ground and looking at buckbeak who is having his time of his life and smiled harry said " Hermione" " yeah" " before down by the lake I saw my father casting patrons and sending dementors away" " but harry your father" " I know he is dead i just said what I have saw" and he got up and went away wanting some time alone , sahithi saw this and said to mione to look after jas and she went and saw harry looking at sirius and his past self talking and she said " mr.james what are talking to sirius about" he just smiled and said," well miss.vega you sirius talking to me there " " mmhmm" " he is asking me to come and live with him" " it's great" " when we free him I never have to go to the dursleys it will just be me and him we can live in the country some place we can see the sky I think he will like that after all those years of azkaban" " well you can come to my home there you have a perfect view of sky" he smiled at her and said " well I will take that offer in future " and both of them went to jas and mione only to here Remus is howling and sirius inthe past is saying to run and harry said " let's go" and we started running and we stopped seeing Remus is going to attack the past harry and mione started to howl" owwwww" harry trying to Stop her but she is still howling and he asked " what are you doing " " saving your life"" thanks" when lupin here's the howl he started to run at our direction " great now it's coming for us" " didn't think about that run" we started running as fast as we can and we thought we lost him and we stopped only to see back to see him coming sahithi came and stood infront of us to take the hit but buckbeak came and saved us and Remus run from there and mione said " professor lupin is having a tough night" we observe our surroundings to see it is getting cold only to see the dementors around the lake and started sucking both harry and sirius souls it's horrible and harry said " don't worry my dad will come" mione said " harry your dying just lokk there" harry ran to the edge of the lake took his wand and shouted " expecto patronum"

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