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Hello everyone. I wanted to thank you all for reading my books, I'm quite proud of them. However I do have three things I just need to get off my chest. They're not too important but I feel I need to address it...

Number 1:
I added a Dream cameo in my sequel that I thought would be a good idea at the time, but gaining more information I'm not really a fan of the guy. I don't hate him or anything I just don't appeal to his content nor do I support some of his actions he may or may not have done. In conclusion I don't care so please don't address me privately on the matter.

Number 2:
I just want to thank those who really enjoyed my books. Can't say I worked hard on them 100%, but I did my best and I'm so glad to read the positive (and some times funny) comments that you all share. I also want to thank the people who pointed out my spelling errors, for example "sinner" which was meant to be "dinner" in the first book. You didn't take it so critically and made it funny enough to even leave it as it is. You always keep me motivated and I can't wait to make another.

Lastly, Number 3:
Currently I've been jumping from book idea to book idea and it's difficult to keep focus on a book as well as keep up with my own life. I do have an idea for a story that has been set I just want to finish all chapters before I give up half way, because let's face it...nothing is more irritating than a slow update turning into a cancelled book. I also have an idea for a sequel, but I don't want to jump the gun too quickly so hang tight.

I guess that's all for now, again thank you soo much for reading
~Dogerman123 🐢🍪✨

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