what happen?

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EaUk_12  this is dedicated to you .since you r the first one to vote in last part.thank you.

So guys let's see who will be next.those who vote first and comment for this part.next part is dedicate to them.

It's a simple way of saying thanks fro me.thank you so much guys and girls.


"What really happen?" forth asked

Beam was silent

Forth sign." if you can't speak now then there is no use afterwards "forth said coldly

"On my birthday we went to Clift house to hav party
Me, lam ,max ,tul and park.pha and kit hav important surgery so they can't make at that time."

"That day park propose lam and lam accept it.every one was happy."

"I was standing near the Clift when I remember you and my mode became sad
Lam and park came and console me but suddenly 10 men came and attacked us."

"We all fight well but one man aim hisgun to me and lam came infornt and took it."

Beam started crying. forth hold the paper weight tightly and close his eyes.
"Before everyone react lam was in pool of blood and park was ready to kill the one who fire the gun but that bastered took the opportunity and kick park from the Clift when the chance came."

Max and tul went to check for park but we can't find him.i take lam to hospital.10 days he was unconsious and when he wake up he just asked for park.

And he started behaving historically that doctors hav to give ansetisia to calm him.
He went to coma and when he wake up after 2 months he lost his memory.

But he did not forget park. his blur image before he died and their sweet memories hunted lam.and he always gets panic attacks .so doctor suggest thia drama.

I made lam think that I was his lover and what he was seeing was all illusions.my effort and doctors therofhy make lam better now

But recently the panic attacks started again and we can't do anything except the surgery like doctor said.

Beam sobbed.

"Why you didn't cal me and say all this "forthasked

"I did but you didn't pick any of my cals and finally I askedyour dad to  inform about our situation.then he shows me your party photos and said u r happy their and forgot about me."

"Then I backed offf.at that time lam is the main priority for me.i already lost park and I am not ready to loss lam also.so I made that decision."

"Dad...that was all false beam"

"I waited every second to complete my degree and waited for every nanao second to meet you." Forth shouted desperately

I know what dad said that time was all false.i want to come to you and meet you .i even book flight ticket also but that time doctor told about lams condition and I hav to take that decision.rest you know."beam said while try to act cool. And stand to went out.

"Forth just  know one thing I never dought your love but I hav no choice their.let it be like this for lam and parks sake.i wish you move on and hav happy life."

"Help me with this . lam and i after his surgery we will go far away "beam said.

"Look into my eyes and tell me that you still don't love me beam"

"Look in to my eyes" forth asked standing beside beam and placed a hand on beams shoulder.

That's the last string. beam broke and hug forth.he cried like a baby.

"I still love you forth but after what lam did and what happen to park.i can't keep an blind eye and have happy life with you."

"I know baby I know "forth rub beams tears away and kiss his forehead.

"Let's do this I wil be with you.aftet they sacrifice their life's for us so we can do this much" forth said .

Both cried alot.

Outside the door lam listen everything. And cried alotthough he can't remember any of the things beams  Said but he can feel that it's true.

That's the reason why his heart can't accept beam as his lover.he was always in in dinamo when ever beam show effection

He silently went from their.

Let's go forth and beam parted their ways  and promise to meet again.

Forth went to his cabin where tharn n type are waiting for him.

He told everything to both of them.
"So what you hav decided."tharn asked

"What is their to decide when lam was cured beam and forth will be one again back to lovers" type said happily

No. Forth said sadly

Tharn know why.he know type thinks simpley.so can't  interfere in his thoughts.

Why type asked innocently. But no one asnwers.

After so long beam felt free.less burden.the heavy feelings he stored from a longtime he said to forth.

He smiled after a long time when he remeber  how forth kissed his forehead.

"I thought you betray me and I decide tokill you "a voice came from behind the wall

"Who is their?" beam asked and stunned by seeing the man.

That's it for this part

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Thanks megha

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