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Wattpad: Unded_Pye

"I can't handle 7 inches-

"Harrison, you look like a bus driver"

"I thought that said 'Nintendo characters wanking at different jobs' "

"I'm reading smut like I'm in fucking junior infants"

"Why does it look like bread?"

"Yummy. Delicious. Scrumptious. Scrumdidlyumptios"

"Why is there hair on it?"

"There is 5 people who have actually played Kid Icarus: Uprising. -2 people have played the NES game. Wait there's a GameBoy sequel?"

"Sora's in his jammies ready to get a glass of milk before bed"

"Welcome, ladies. Right here, this is my Red Dead Redemption II oven. And over there is my Red Dead Redemption II shrine. Now, this is where the magic happens. In the Metal Gear Solid 3 bed"

"No protestants allowed at my birthday party"


[during his french cba presentation]
"Deez nuts"

"Never say material girl again. Especially not in a Gregory impression"

"Remy isn't actually a rat. He's a parasite because he sticks to humans"

"I hope the DPD man steals it and wears it"

"Walking down the street, wearing a floral dress like 'Ooh, look at my new dress' "

"Can't we just go back to the STD Triangle.... WAIT-"

"Shiver me timbers"

"Wen-deez nuts"

"I would like to apologise and retract the joke I just said"

[is bald]

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