Breathing Softly

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Victor's eyes widened, his expression mortified. "Ryan!"

He raced to Ryan's side, turning him over onto his back. He had a giant gash running up the length of his stomach, covered with a loose bandage. Victor covered his mouth with his hand. He looked up at Lucas.

"I..." He hesitated, then shifted his brain into doctor mode, shaking his head. "In my bedroom, first door on the right. There's...a leather bag, it has medical equipment in it..." He didn't care if he was exposing himself. "I...I need you to bring it here..." His eyes were tear-rimmed. "...Please..."

Lucas just stared, "Y..Yeah.." He quickly made his way toward Victors bedroom and grabbed the medical equipment. He made his way back out and handed it to Victor. He knelt down next to him, "J..Just ask if you need any help." He looked at Victor.

Victor nodded as he retrieved the needle and thread from his bag. He then noticed a small flutter of Ryan's eyelids...and grabbed the anesthetic as well. He removed the bandage to check the damages. He was bleeding rather extensively, and the skin on either side of his stomach was uneven.

Almost as if...a piece of his flesh had been stolen. His expression angered.

"It was Data..." He mumbled under his breath. He opened the container of anesthetic and began to apply it around Ryan's wound. He didn't understand. How was Data...alive?

Ryan looked up at Victor through half lidded eyelids, "..H..He' a new..b.. button.." His voice was hoarse due to screaming.

Lucas was confused, Data...a button..? He had a lot of questions but there were more important matters. He watched as Victor applied the anesthetic masterfully almost like he'd done this before.

Victor exhaled irately. "Why doesn't that surprise me...?" He shook his head as he placed the bottle back in the bag and retrieved a cloth. "The numbing agent needs to sit for a minute or two to take full effect...I'm going to try and reduce the bleeding as much as I can in the meantime..."

Victor half-smiled as he put pressure on Ryan's wound. "You're here now...we're going to get you patched up..." He blinked as he turned to Lucas. "Oh, um...this the way. Lucas, this is Ryan, my brother. I'm...sorry you had to this."

Lucas looked at Ryan, "Ah, nice" His smiled small.

Ryan smiled the best he could, " meet well.." He looked to Victor, "N..Nice..pick..V..Vic.."

Victor's eyes widened and he blushed aggressively, putting more pressure on Ryan's wound and avoiding eye contact with either of them.

Lucas blushed softly as he bit his lip. He looked at Victor then away.

Ryan just chuckled softly. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open as his breathing started to slow slowly. "'s been a hell of a ride, Vic..."

Victor shook his head. "'ll be okay, Ry..." He hurriedly undid the spool and threaded the needle. He glanced down. The anesthetic hadn't been on long enough, but...he couldn't wait a second longer.

"Ryan...I'm sorry, but...this is probably gonna sting a little bit..."

Ryan just nodded, he tried to hang on for Victor, he really tried his best. "I...I'm sorry Victor.." His eyes closed as his breath stuttered to a stop.

Victor hovered over Ryan for a moment. No...he couldn't be. Not again. He wouldn't let it happen again. He felt tears roll down his face as he stuck Ryan with the needle and began to sew the wound.

"Goddamn it..." He muttered under his breath. "God...fucking damn it!" He tried to blink the tears out of his eyes so he could focus on the stitches, but it was still difficult to see.

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