Final Night Alive (Part 1)

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It was 3am. The day of the grand encounter with Data came around slowly…yet at the same time, too quickly to keep track of.

Everyone sat in Jack and Ryan’s living room restlessly. None of them could sleep. Not a one. Not for a single hour. They sat in a circle around the coffee table, not saying a word. Their silence did the talking for them.

Ryan was feeling at least a little bit rested. He got a good four hours of rest last night.. He knew that everyone was..not feeling great. He looked at Cat who was next to him, looking at her exhausted look he felt a pang of guilt, feeling like this was his fault. He knew that she was the one who wanted to do this and be by his side but he still felt some sense of accountability for everything. He tapped his fingers on his leg anxiously.

Lucas sat next to Victor, leaning a little bit on him. He couldn't believe the day was here already. He felt..scared, not knowing what lies ahead. He held Victors hand and gently squeezed it.

Victor felt...numb, again. Could he just not comprehend what was coming? Or was his mind not letting him? He wasn't quite sure. He wasn't sure if he...wanted to be sure. He felt restless. He brought his knees close to his chest, holding them near with his free hand. He gripped Lucas's hand tightly with the other. His eyes were heavy...but there was no way he could sleep. Not now.

Cat sat beside Ryan, her entire body sore with exhaustion. She hadn't slept well in days now. And, well, she might not sleep ever again - depending on how today goes. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. The feeling that something was going to go wrong. There was a plan, a somewhat solid one at that. But...why did she still feel like something was going to happen?

Ryan looked at his fingers tapping against his leg when he saw movement next to him, it was Alba curling up against Jack. She had her arms around him, holding onto him like it would be her last time. Honestly, who knew..

Melrose was running their fingers through Finley's hair comfortingly. They couldn't believe the day was here already, time flies when you're waiting for possible death to come, they guessed.

Jack wrapped his arm around Alba loosely. He had a million thoughts in his head, and she was part of them. She was helping to keep him sane, maybe even most of all. He didn’t want to lose her. Christ, he couldn’t lose her…

Finley was trying to stay positive, but…it was difficult. Everyone around them was ridden with worry and paranoia, they were only trying not to be part of it. They leaned into Melrose for any glimmer of comfort they could find, listening to his breathing.

Melrose hummed very softly for Finley to try and comfort them in anyway he could. Or was he trying to comfort himself? They don't know.

Risk glanced around at everyone. His gaze landed on DT who was leaning back against the couch. He wanted to give him comfort but just stayed where he was, still getting used to being an actual good big brother.

DT glanced over at Risk, then down at the floor. He pursed his lips.

“So…” He mumbled. “…What do we do now…? While we wait for our deaths?”

Eighty shook his head with a shrug. He looked around the room. “…Talk about our regrets…?” He spoke slowly.

Ryan blinked as he thought about his regrets. He took a minute, "I'll...go first.." He took a breath in and out, "I have three regrets. My first regret is..I wish I spent more time with everyone." He looked around, "My second regret is.. I wish I took out Data sooner.." He saw Alba open her mouth and he shook his head to which she slowly closed her mouth. "My third regret is.. I wish I was stronger.."

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