We Did It

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Everyone stayed silent for a moment, trying to soak in what just happened.

Ryan should feel some sort of victory but..he just felt numb. His eyes didn't have the same shine to them as they used too. He let out a breath, "Well..we did it." He could feel the adrenaline start to leave him as he stumbled forward a little, catching himself. "Fuck."

Jack put a hand on Ryan’s shoulder to steady him before glancing back at where the body of their enemy used to be.

Everyone looked at the spot, nobody spoke. Nobody knew what to say.

Ryan looked at everyone then back at the spot where Data used to lay. He then moved Jack's hand off of his shoulder before he moved over to the couch and collapsed on it.

Victor took a breath, finally calming down a little. He rose to his feet and glanced at Ryan. This was his cue. He got a bit closer, sitting on the end of the coffee table. If something happened, he needed to be ready to act.

“Hey…” He huffed nervously. “Can I get you…anything? Water? Medication? Cold cloth?”

Ryan opened his eyes and looked at Victor, his eyes not showing really any emotion. "I...don't know... All three I guess?" He felt pain everywhere.

Victor nodded, jogging to get everything. He looked to the others. “Keep an eye on him, please.”

“We will, you do what you need to.” Twenty responded, shuffling closer to Ryan, but not too close.

Adam wanted to comfort Ryan but he sees the look in his eyes. He looked at Jack with a frown. The brother they knew was gone when he died.

Ryan looked over at everyone, "You can sit down if you want. I don't bite." His voice was monotone.

Jack’s glance flicked between Adam, then Ryan. “Oh, uh…yeah. Sure…” He took a seat on the couch by Ryan’s legs, trying not to make him uncomfortable. “So…this is probably a dumb question, but…how’re you feeling?”

Adam took a seat on the couch by Ryan's head, not too close.

Ryan blinked as he tried to find what he was feeling. He was feeling nothing, he's numb. "I...don't feel anything. I'm just...numb. I didn't feel anything after Data died." He shrugged. "I guess...death fucked me up.. I may have come back but..it doesn't mean I fully came back. It feels like one half of me is dead, ya know?"

Jack nodded. He understood the feeling. “After the train…I barely felt like a person. I felt like I was just watching myself survive, hardly having anything to do with it. However that side of the button works…it…takes a part of you with it…” Jack sighed. “…And it doesn’t come back that easily.”

As Jack spoke, the sound of hurrying steps signaled Victor’s return. He stepped up next to Adam and set everything down, placing the cold cloth gently on Ryan’s forehead.

“There…I got everything.” He stated, stepping back.

Ryan nodded as Jack finished speaking. He wanted to hold Jack but he couldn't find it in himself to sit up. He then felt a cold cloth on his forehead, he sighed softly. He looked at Victor, "Thank you.." He then saw some movement from behind Victor, it was, "Cat.."

“Hey, muffin…” Her voice was soft as she approached to take his hand. “Not feeling so hot, are we?” She pursed her lips. “Shit, sorry. Bad time to say that…”

"It's okay, darling." Ryan couldn't laugh. He gently squeezed her hand. He put her hand to his lips, gently kissing it to show that he still loved her even after that joke.

Cat frowned. This definitely wasn't the Ryan she remembered. She tried to put on a nice face. "I'm...glad you're back. I was a mess when we thought you were gone. I wouldn't be the same without you."

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