Please stay (part 2)

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In the basement, the shape of the person twitched slightly. It turned its head to one side. “…Adam…?”

Twenty gasped. “…Is that you, Fifty?”

The shape chuckled. It seemed to be getting closer, the sound of clinking metal mixing with the sound of footsteps.

“…I haven’t heard that name in a long time,” The voice joked.

Data dodged Lucas’s slice and aimed for his stomach, missing by a fraction of an inch. He tossed his knife to his other hand and went for Lucas’s neck.

Lucas moved back and winced as he got nicked in the neck by the knife. He shook it off and went for a slice down Datas chest, managing to actually get him.

Ryan made his way toward the voice, "Fifty..." He saw the chains that bound him, "W..what did he do to you.." His voice cracked.

Risk shook his head, "Let's get him out first, so we can leave then we can ask questions."

Melrose nodded, "Hate to say this but..Risk is right.."

DT investigated Fifty a bit closer. He looked exhausted, dark rings circled around his eyes. Bandages covered various wounds around his body. God…what had happened?

“The chains have locks,” Finley remarked. “Now what?”

The others looked to each other for answers, finding nothing.

Data grasped at his chest, more dead pixels falling to the floor and fading. He glared up at Lucas and swiped however he could, striking a deep cut in the side of Lucas’s arm.

Lucas dodged and dodged then let out a small yelp as he gripped his arm, blood dripping down. He glared at Data, letting out a small chuckle, "Nice shot." He ran toward Data and tried to swipe toward Datas neck.

Ryan tilted his head, "Is there any..bolt cutters down here..?" He looked at Adam, "Can you try and find some?"

Adam nodded and started to look around the basement.

Data ducked then parried one of Lucas’s strikes, both of their knifes clanging together. He stared at the basement door.

“…Well, your job is done,” Data mused breathlessly. “They’ve found him.”

Lucas looked at the basement door then toward the other, " job with you isn't done" His tone breathless. He took his knife back and tried to stab Data, leaving himself open.

Adam came back with bolt cutters, "I found some." He handed them to Ryan.

Ryan grabbed the bolt cutters with a small, 'Thanks' and made his way toward the chair. He lined up the bolt cutters and squeezed them down onto the chain...the chain snapped. Ryan gave a sigh of relief.

Fifty raised his chained hand up in the air. He could move. He was…free. He stuck a hand in his hair and chuckled softly. “My god…” He looked around the room. There were some new faces, and plenty of old ones, too. He was just…happy to see them all.

“It’s…good to see you. All of you,” Fifty muttered with a smile.

Data leaned back, dodging Lucas’s next strike. He had an opening; he could hit him. And it would send the others a strong message. He readied his hand behind him and sunk his knife deep into Lucas’s shoulder.

Lucas let out a pained scream. He tried to get another strike on Data but he stumbled and went to his knees, "" His voice held venom as he looked at Data.

Ryan was about to say something when he heard Lucas' scream. He jumped a bit, "W..Was that..?"

Victor looked up at the staircase with terror. “…Lucas…”

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