Pray for me

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Cries and sobs echoed throughout the room. Jack felt like he couldn't move. He just sat in silence. Something has to happen. A miracle. Some kind of saving throw. It has to.


The sound of claws scraping on the floor came gradually closer as Shay approached Ryan. She sniffed his face lightly before licking his cheeks. He didn't respond.

Adam watched Shay, "S..shay... He's g..gone..." He knew that she might not know what it means but..god it hurt to watch.

Risk stood there... He didn't know what to do as the sobs and cries continued. He felt tears in his own eyes but he didn't allow them to fall.

Shay investigated her companion once more, but soon realized that something wasn’t right. She softly whined as she laid beside him, resting her head on his side.

DT shook his head. This wasn’t fair. This couldn’t keep happening. It was all Data’s fault. It was all his fault…

He looked up at the others with tears in his eyes. “Well…what are we waiting for…?! Someone get the button, let’s take this fucker out! Let’s give him everything he paid for!”

Adam wiped his eyes, taking in DT's words. He got up, glaring at Data, "Yeah... Yeah, let's take this fucker out, once and for all!"

Risk looked at Adam then DT, he nodded. "Let's do it, for Ryan and everyone Data has hurt!"

Data chuckled sadly,  keeping to himself. If he were honest, he didn’t care anymore. He’d been through this too many times, even before he’d met these people. Now, he was just…tired.

Jack tore his eyes away from Ryan and looked over at Data’s hand in front of him, only a foot or so away. He held the button loosely in his grasp. Jack got up slowly and approached him, but he couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact.

“…None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for you, you know.” He stated directly.

Data sighed deeply. “…Yeah. Yeah, I know.”

Adam approached Data as well, "I hope you know you deserve what's coming to you." His voice was broken. He wanted to scream at Data but..his throat already hurt enough.

Risk wanted to punch the bastard but stayed where he was. He looked at Data, making sure he did nothing tricky. Who knew if he would suddenly get strength, you never knew with this dying pile of pixels.

Data tilted his head. “That’s just how it works…you do things…the universe answers…”

“You killed my brother,” DT grumbled, his whole body tensing. “I lived with that for seven months…I hope the universe answers quickly.”

Risk put a hand on DTs back gently, looking at the button then at Jack, "Oh the universe will answer very quickly and I can't wait until it does." He looked at Data, letting a small smirk come through.

Cat turned her head up through messy hair and a tear-stained face to look at the man who’d killed her lover. “…I hope to whatever’s out there…that you suffer for what you’ve done. And that you never come back. It’s the least of what you deserve…”

Lucas wanted to say something to the pile of pixels but stayed with Victor. Victor was more important than Data.

Melrose looked at Data, "I hope wherever you's torture. You don't deserve peace." His voice held venom.

Data shook his head slowly. "I'm not going to argue with any of you. I know what I've done..." He exhaled with some difficulty. "I'm tired. I was tired eons ago. Now I'm just trying to entertain myself...look what it's done to me." A few tears dropped down his face.

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