Let's Talk

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Risk was in the passenger seat of DTs car, sitting in silence awkwardly. He didn't know what to say, there was really nothing he could say that would take away the years of pain he caused. "Uh... How has your seven months of peace been?" He cringed a little at the awkwardness of his voice.

DT stared blankly at the road ahead. "...Interesting...I guess."

This was really weird. Really, really weird. This was honestly the first time the two of them had ever attempted to spend quality time together. How do you even do that?

DT shuffled slightly in his seat. "I um...I made some friends. You...probably gathered that...though." God damn it.

Risk nodded, "Yeah.. You said rehearsal...does that mean you and your...friends made a..band?" He asked with a small tilt of his head.

"Uh...yeah..." DT nodded. "We're still just...starting out, but..." He felt gross. Risk was probably bored stiff trying to make small talk.

Risk hummed, "That's cool..." He tapped his finger against his own leg. "Im sorry..I really am. I know apologizing won't take..away the pain of everything I did to you.. I just... I hope that maybe we could..start over?"

DT’s expression didn’t change, but inside, his emotions were in a twist. How could he be sure that he could really trust Risk? He’d pulled things like this so many times before; pretend to want to change, then fake it ‘til you make it. Every time, it’d been a clever façade to mask something darker. How was he supposed to know that this time would be any different?

“…Things are…complicated right now,” DT replied in a soft voice. “I’m…I’m glad that you’re taking steps in the right direction, but…I hope you can understand why I’m still nervous around you.”

Risk nodded, "I understand." He looked to DT, eyes showing an understanding. "Things won't change overnight or even in a year but..I hope someday we can have a type of sibling relationship.." God, this felt awkward.. talking about..feelings.

DT kept silent as he continued down the street. If Risk kept his word, warming up to him was going to take a very, very long time.

Agnes and Faye sat quietly in the basement, unsure of what to expect or what to do. The only sound in the room came from the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead. Agnes’s gaze settled on the floor as she took a breath.

“…He’s not coming today, either, is he…?” She mumbled.

Faye looked over to Agnes with a soft frown, "I don't think so..." They twirled their drumstick through their fingers. They sighed softly, "I'm starting to get worried..."

Agnes stuck one hand in her hair and used the other to fidget with her necklaces nervously. She could feel her heartbeat getting faster.

"Why would he just...up and leave...?" She asked, trying not to let her voice break. "Why wouldn't he tell us anything?"

Faye looked over to Agnes, noticing her start to fidget. "I.. don't know but I'm sure he has..a reason.." They stopped twirling their drumstick, "It better be a good one though or I'm gonna wack him with my drumsticks." They joked to try and lighten the mood.

Agnes glanced up at Faye for a moment, then back down at the floor. Before she could say anything in rebuttal, there was a distant sound up above the basement. It sounded almost like...car doors? Agnes looked up at the staircase, then to Faye.

"Is that...?" She muttered.

Faye looked at Agnes, "Unless you're expecting someone else then it must be.."

Risk looked at the outside of the house as DT knocked on the door, "Nice house your friend has here." His voice was soft.

DT pursed his lips. "Uh...yeah..."

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