12 - Insanity

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Shakalaka bing bong HELP

QOTC: Do you have a birth
day?🤡 (If the answer
is no,,, I'm concerned- 
I'm running out of
ideas LOL)


Tosroleedroki's POV


The following day, I awoke shortly after realizing just how much I actually slept. I'd estimate about 2 hours at most. It was now currently the weekend. What am I supposed to do? It almost seemed like common sense to go outside. I quickly got dressed into a casual t-shirt and jeans. 

After I was done getting clothes on I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked to my room's door grabbing my shoes, sitting on the floor and pulling them on. It seemed I was completely ready but it felt I was missing something.

Food. I haven't even eaten anything yet. I walked to the kitchen to see what was easy to make, or didn't require preparation. It was around 5:00 Am so no one was awake yet. I decided to make some toast.

The toast popped out of the toaster. I swiftly grabbed it, and a water bottle and walked out the front door. I aimlessly walked the almost completely empty sidewalks. I just walked, I hadn't payed much attention to where I was going but all I know is I was thinking about one thing.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

Due to the thought centered around that statement, I wasn't too surprised I found myself standing just outside a field looking down towards a small wilting flower. I didn't step onto the field. I just stared at the small, droopy flower. 

I stared for a solid 5 minutes. I then recall Midoriya watering the flower, saying he'd come water it again,, Today. It was rather early and from what I know about Midoriya, he doesn't have the greatest memory.

I walked towards the flower and crouched down towards it, while opening my water bottle. I mimicked what I witnessed Midoriya do with the small flower. Watering it just enough, but not too much.

I was hesitant at the next part but I continued with the process. I sat on my bottom and began quietly... talking... to the flower.

It was strange to do. Something I never even thought I would be doing, but I continued to talk. When I was done talking there was an awkward silence. I listened closely and I could hear something.

'Thank you for talking to me' I believe it said. I'm going crazy aren't I? I thought to myself as I began to respond to what I believed A FLOWER had said to me. This flower and I, somehow actually held a conversation.

Afterwards I just laid in the field starting at the clouds. The streets and sidewalks were much more crowded than when I first arrived. How long have I been here? I sat up and looked around. I searched for my phone but I had only then realized,,,

That's what I had forgotten. 

I felt too lazy to go get it and just laid back down. I turned to the flower, and asked softly, "Do you think this is for the better? Or maybe I'm just crazy. I am talking to a flower right now.." It stayed silent but then I heard it say,

"Please don't say something like that... It makes me feel sad.." It seemed to get more droopy as it said this. It made me feel bad. "Well I guess it is for the better then." I said gently. The flower didn't respond but that's okay. Sometimes I just can't hear it.

After a little while, nothing more happened. Suddenly I heard a voice. "Oh! Todoroki! What're you doing here?" I turned my head to see who it was and it was, the one, and only, Izuku Midoriya.

I stood as quickly as I could and...

I walked away. 

I ignored his question and walked right by him, as If I hadn't even seen him. As if he wasn't even there. As if he was never there. As if he were a ghost. Now I'm thinking it.

What is wrong with me?

Midoriya's POV

Todoroki Is strange. I thought to myself as I watched him walk away. I just came to water the flower that he gave me, which admittedly I almost forgot about. It was around noon so now was a good time. Does Todoroki usually visit this place? I mean like, before me? 


In the midst of my panic someone tapped my shoulder. I jolted around and saw a small brunette with rosy cheeks looking quite concerned at me. "Oh" I breathed out.

"Are you okay? I kinda saw what happened and everything, you seemed a bit upset so..." She trailed off while looking towards the ground. "Oh.." I again breathed out. "I'm okay Uraraka! I was just thinking about.. stuff. I'm alright I promise!" I reassured her.

In fact after she tapped me I completely forgot what I was previously panicking about. She looked up towards me and smiled widely. "Well then... Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" She asked me.

Is that what she came here for? "Uh... Sure, why not?" I said rather timidly. I've never 'Hung out' with anyone before. I'm not even entirely sure what she means by it. Are we going to hang upside down from trees? 

"Great!" She said with a really wide smile. "There's going to be a big surprise for you~" She said with a smirk, which just confused me further. I pretended I wasn't at all confused as she skipped away from me joyfully.

But... When are we going to-  . . . When are we going to 'hang out'?



What Is Wrong With You!? // TodoDeku :0Where stories live. Discover now