14 - Is... Is this for real?

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QOTC: How much wood
could a woodchuck
chuck, if a woodchuck
could chuck wood?

. . .

(The answer is 700 lb)

(a/n: Heads up, Accidentally skipped hosu too lazy to add it now so like---- pretend it happened-- )

Midoriya's POV

It's already been a while since the whole hang out incident. Mr. Aizawa has 'something different' planned for today. Apparently it's going to last throughout the week. They're taking me with them though. Weird. We were all heading onto a bus. Did they say where we are going? Is it just me or am I getting more forgetful.

Agh! Nevermind that.

Somehow I was forced into sitting next to Todoroki. This is no mere coincidence! Someone's trying to get us to do something.... But what?? What could they want? Wait what was I... Huh??

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Todoroki asked from beside me.

I jolted my head towards him flailing my arms around. "I'm okay! You don't have to worry about me!!" I laughed awkwardly. We soon arrived at the top of a mountain. I looked around the place curiously. Then Aizawa called for our attention. Four people showed up in front of us. I couldn't recognize them instantly, but I soon enough realized exactly who they were.

"THE WILD WILD PUSSY CATS!!" I then almost did their introductions for them. Gushing over their quirks and how they use them.

Mandalay then shouted, "C'MON KID! WE WERE ABOUT TO DO IT OURSELVES!! IN A REALLY FLASHY WAY TOO!" She huffed and turned away from me pouting. Aizawa sighed and then explained what we were about to do.

We are going to go into the mysterious twisted woods that is riddled with monsters all without having eaten breakfast, while after we get back we have to make the food ourselves. Estimated time; Close to nightfall.


They aren't making me do this too right? Oh god.. They're leaving. They're leaving without me. Maybe if I pretend I'm being killed by my sickness I'll get a pass? I don't think that'll work... Oh god.. Todoroki and the others have started leaving too... Oh god, I'm gonna die. How am I s'posed to get to the bottom of this mountain??

My grave has already been dug, gravestone and all. It reads; "Here lies Izuku Midoriya, Taken from us at such a young age, so weak he couldn't even think of some way to make it off this mountain... Smh." I thought about all my options and eventually decided I would slide down the side. If I could manage that, all I'd have to do is catch up with the others!


Nevermind! It's not as easy as I thought...


Then I heard a noise. I quickly looked for some place to hide, feeling the tears form in my eyes. 'C'mon! you can't cry now!!' I thought as I knew that there was nowhere to hide.

'Stand up and fight!!'

I shot up from where I sat and pulled my fists up, ready to attack. I heard it come closer and...


Todoroki's POV

I had noticed that Midoriya hadn't moved when we were told to start. Then realized I'm not sure what his quirk is, and it might not be all that helpful with getting him down from the mountain. I decided I'd help him since... I'm pretty sure we're friends now.(?) When I got to the top, Midoriya was standing there facing towards me with his fist up.

"Huh?" He squeaked out before letting his arms fall to his side. I could see the little tears that had started forming in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, pulling myself fully over the edge.

"I-I-I- I'm fine!! I'm perfectly A-OK!!" He squealed back before turning away from me and hiding his face.

"I came here because I wasn't sure if you needed help down..." I started. He seemed to jump a bit before slightly turning his head back towards me.
"Considering you're still here... I'd assume that you do need help?" I finished quieter than I had intended to.

"I don't need help. Thanks for the offer though." He said in response. He held this attitude that seemed bustling with confidence.

I'm not convinced.

"Okay" I said, without moving an inch knowing I'd catch him off guard.

He turned violently toward me throwing his hands in the air, "WAAHH!! WAIT!! I DO NEED HELP!! INEEDLOTSOFHELPPLEASEDONTLEAVEMEHERETODIIEEEEEEEE" He cried out, flailing his arms all over the place.

In response all I said was, "I wasn't actually going to leave you here." In my usual tone.

A tiny little "Oh..." Was barely audible after he stopped wailing. He positioned himself up right then stammered, "W-Well I-I Knew Th-That!" He rubbed the back of his head, as his face turned beet red.

"Alright then, let's go." I said walking over and wrapping my arm around his waist, then taking him to the edge of the mountain and using my ice to create a slide for us to use to get down the side. When we reached the bottom his face was even more red than before, If that was even possible, and he held both hands on his cheeks, mumbling something inaudible. "We have to hurry and catch up with the others." I said sturdily.

Midoriya regained focus and nodded. Eventually we found the others and we all made it to the camp area in time to make dinner. While we were making dinner Midoriya seemed to be gushing and-or just mumbling about something...

Midoriya's POV

"Todoroki- Hand- Waist- My- He- Todo- Hand- Waist- He- Ice- Mountain- Hand- Waist-" I mumbled over and over again. For some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

"CAREFUL YOU'RE GONNA BURN YOURSELF!!" Uraraka shouted pushing my hands away from the dangerous area. "What is up with you? Are you seriously that distracted? Or did you just forget that you were doin.!?..."

She became more muffled as I continued to mumble, "Todoroki- Hand- Waist- My- He- Todo- Hand- Waist- ..." She eventually stopped ranting at me and stared at me confused.

"What are you muttering about?" I just continued without a word to her. "I think you're gonna be out of commission like this for a while..." She said dragging me over to one of the tables and sitting me down. "But seriously, are you feeling okay? Your face has been red since we got back..." She said genuinely worried. When I continued my muttering, that's when she decided I must be sick or something. She then rushed off to tell the others. It's too bad I'm so distracted I can't even tell my best friend that I'm not sick, and I'm perfectly okay. I can't even tell her that the only problem with me right now is that she was probably right.


I might have a crush on Shoto Todoroki.


TO IT!!! I'm hoping i can get my own computer soon
so that i dont have to write on my phone anymore ITS A REAL DRAG
so either ill get one for christmas or for my birthday (basically 2-6 months)


Good night
soggy nugget
macaroni children!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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