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I tossed and turned in bed feeling my body heat up like crazy making me wake up.

I looked over at Reggie and something about his face made me want to throw up. I covered my mouth running to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet.

"Bae!" Reggie called out in his sleepy voice but I couldn't answer. A few seconds later he came in the bathroom rubbing sleep from his eyes. "I don't feel so good Reggie." I sniffed wiping my nose. "Was it something you ate?" He asked making me shake my head.

"Nooo papi! I always eat those tacos and nothing happens. I think this is a different type of sick." I said. My heart dropped not even wanting to imagine having a kid right now. I did all that riding and now I was paying for it.

I mean me and Reggie couldn't keep our hands off each other but Damn. It was way too early in the relationship, I haven't even done this man's laundry yet. I'm still waiting for the Lord to smack me with his sandal and wake me up.

"Reggie.." I trailed off looking over at him. He had the worry look on his face letting me know our minds were in the same place. "Look I'm finna run to CVS take you a cool shower and put something comfortable on. I'm get some breakfast on my way back, we chilling today." He leaned in to peck my lips but thought about me throwing up swerving me to kiss my forehead.

"You funny!" I laughed rolling my eyes. "I love you but I'm not kissing morning breath and throw up. It's just some places you don't go." I busted out laughing but regretted it immediately throwing up again.

"I'm be back!" He yelled as he was running out the room making me wave him off.

I wasn't going to stunt like I haven't been feeling a little off. I've even notice with my dancing I'm running out of breath quick. I always chunk it up to being in a healthy relationship and eating good food.

I hope and pray that this is just a pregnancy scare. We weren't ready for a child but I didn't know if I could handle getting rid of one either. I laid my head back against the wall looking up. "I guess this is where I pray." I mumbled closing my eyes.

___________________MIXED EMOTIONS?

"Nigga I know you aint got Marlicia pregnant this quick." Foo mumbled over the phone as I walked into CVS.

"Man no! Probably. Shit, I don't know!" I said honestly. Marlicia do this thing on her tippy toes no nigga can deny. I told her to hop her ass up last night but she didn't listen.  "Boy you funny as fuck, so she was throwing up and shit?" Foo asked making me shake my head. "Yeah man, I never seen her like that even after a drink. I'm just praying it's food poisoning or something." I said.

"Damn nigga! You cold!" Foo start laughing but soon after started coughing and groaning. "That's what yo ass get! I wasn't even saying it like that man. It's just, we still fresh in. I wanna at least travel with Marlicia and experience life without that responsibility. I don't even know how she wanna raise kids yet." I said picking up some Oreo ice cream.

"That's real folk. Me and Ari ain't thinking about kids right now. I'm good." He said making me grow quiet over the phone. To be honest I wasn't really feeling the sisterly love towards Ari right now. This shit she had Lijah in with Foo was going to get someone hurt.

"But do you see shit being long term with Ari though? Nigga we almost knocking on thirty, it's time to think about that." I said hoping that'll open his eyes a little. "Honestly bro, I don't know. Ari a cool ass girl but she got her ways. Her baby daddy fucked her up a little bit but she straight." I nodded as if he could see me through this phone.

"Well ight, I'm link with you later bru' I'm in this line." I said. "Ight. Don't make me no uncle nigga!" Foo said making me laugh and shake my head. "Fuck you!" I disconnected the call sitting my stuff on the counter.

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