Mrs. Has A Nice💍To It

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I stood outside watching the sun rise, smoking a wood and rotating the diamond ring in between my two fingers. Today was the day and my God, I was nervous and I already went to the bathroom three times and it's not even 7AM.

My phone buzzed in my pocket stopping my music in the AirPods letting me know I was getting a call. I frowned, shocked that it was my grandad FaceTiming me this earlier .

"Man what you doing up this early?" I asked answering the phone making him laugh. I lit my blunt again exhaling. "Cause I know you up this early, today is the big day man. How you feeling?" He asked rubbing his hands together. I took a deep breath smiling before looking behind me to make sure Marlicia hadn't gotten out of bed. "Honestly pops, I've found the one and i feel good about that shit. Getting nervous is natural but I never had to question if I really love her or if she was the one for me. This is just such a big responsibility but I know I can handle it. God blessed me with a family." I said feeling myself get emotional making me suck it up and light the blunt.

My grandpa nodded his head smiling, I could tell he was proud of me and happy for me. "That's what I'm talking about son, take care and cherish your family. Let no one get in between you and her no matter how bad the storm may look. Know that y'all are one now." He said making me take a deep breath and nod my head.

"I-is that Reggie on the phone? Reggie? Baby?!" I heard my grandma's voice making me laugh and exhale smoke as she appeared in the screen. "Hey grandma." I said waving in the camera.

Her smile dropped, "boy I know you not on here smoking dope!?" She asked out loud making my grandpa snatch the phone from her and me laugh. "Grandma this not dope, this from the earth." I said laughing some more shaking my head. "Mhm, whatever boy." She said disappointed. She knew what I did she just didn't like seeing me do it.

"Do you have your suit laid out baby? You don't want it to get wrinkled. Oo, I wish me and your grandfather was there. I would love to see everything!" My grandma said excitedly. "Grandma this just an engagement not the wedding, I wouldn't do y'all like that!" I said chuckling making her gasp and laugh, placing her hand over her chest.

"Mmcht, boy! Lord, my mind racing ahead. Don't pay me no mind." She said shaking her head making all of us laugh.

"But since I got y'all on the phone I guess I can tell y'all everything I have planned for us." I said making both of them lean into the phone.

_________________DONT BE SUSPICIOUS 👀🥴

After I hopped off the phone with my grandparents I sneakily made my way downstairs. The further along Marlicia got in her pregnancy seem like the harder it is to wake her up. I was using that to my advantage today and getting things in order downstairs.

"Is she still asleep?" Ari asked peaking upstairs as I came down. "She out like a light, where everybody else at?" I asked looking around before clicking my phone to look at the time. It was eight thirty in the morning and the massage table was going to be here any minute now. Which meant I needed these niggas out the house so I can get some alone time with my woman.

"Yoo!" I heard making me look to the left at Foo as he walked up dapping me. "Wassup man." I said seeing Rue right behind him making me nod my head up to her.

"Good morning everyone." She said making Ari say it back. All bullshit aside I'm glad Ari was able to put on her big girl pants and be cool with Rue. Just like I commend my niggas on not letting some pussy break up the group. Everybody was marching in the right direction for once.

Lijah came out with his chrome shades on looking like a light skin ass Uzi. "What's good bro in-law." He said with a smile making me do the same and dap him up. "What's good."

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