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I woke up on the couch groaning and stretching smelling breakfast from the kitchen. When we made it back to the house last night I couldn't get Marlicia to say a word to me, she even locked the bedroom door on a nigga.

I sat up on the couch shaking my head preparing myself for whatever shit this day bring me.

I stood up slowly walking to the kitchen stopping at the door frame. I watched her move around in the small shorts and oversized t-shirt. She bent over getting something out the oven making my dick jump in my pants. Her ass swallowed the shorts giving me a better look at her plumped lips. Shaking my head, I looked away trying to get my shit back soft. That's why I hated fighting with Marlicia, and after last night I knew any view I could get I better take it in because that's all I'll be looking at.

"Muda el culo! You scared me!" (Dumb ass! You scared me!) Marlicia said jumping back with the plate in her hand. "My bad, I didn't mean to scare you. What you called me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows making her roll her eyes and walk pass me to the kitchen table. I looked around peeping there wasn't shit on the stove making me look back at her. "Damn, I guess I'll make my own breakfast." I said laughing to myself walking over to her cabinets where she keep the skillets.

"Good." She said quickly and dry as hell. I watched her as she sat down on the couch in the living room flipping on the tv. It landed on channel four news making me stand up straight.

This is Fatima Porter with NFA News and this morning around eight, authorities were called to the corner of Smith and Roan. A bystander jogging spotted the vehicle in a ditch, wrecked into the woods, authorities say the person inside was pronounced dead on the scene. Detectives say there seems to be no foul play but they will do further investigation. The JANE DOA's name has yet to be recovered.
With this tragedy, I feel like it's important for families to know the corner of Smith and Roan  have been known for taking more lives in the last five years than gun violence in that area. Families are calling on the mayor of Atlanta to close this road down and reconstruct it in a way it will be safe for citizens."

Marlicia looked back at me shaking her head making me shrug. "They don't know shit, I told you I handled it." I said still getting the disappointed look from her. "You're not in the clear yet Reggie, they're gonna launch an investigation for her little white ass." She said picking up her plate and walking off to the bedroom.

"You gone avoid a nigga all day? I'm clean with my shit, they not catching me up in nothing!" I said. "I'm going to stay in my space and you stay in yours since you refuse to leave my house!" She said before slamming her door not even giving me the time to respond.

"Marlicia." I said knocking on the door not getting a response. "Marlicia!" I said again jiggling the door handle. "Just leave me alone Reggie!" She said with a shaky voice making me instantly feel bad. "Whatever I gotta do to make this right I am. I never touched that girl baby, you the only woman I want in my arms. A nigga stupid sometimes, a little fucked up but I promise I'm get my shit together. Keeping shit from you never go right for me so I know that just mean I need to keep you in the loop. No matter how ugly or bad it is, Marlicia just give me another chance. We hopping on this flight next week and you still gone hate me?!" I asked talking into the door being sure she can hear me.

"Well I advise you to cancel the trip then because I am not faking the funk with your ass. You've made your bed so lay in that shit Reggie." She said making me turn my back to the wall and rest my head against it. "I hear you baby, and I'm not canceling the trip. I said it already and I don't give a fuck if I gotta keep saying it, I never did anything with Linsey. I will kill, steal, and lie for you girl, till my last breath I'm make sho' you good. I'm show you that." I said taking a deep breath and walking off.

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