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I exhaled the smoke through my nose looking at all of Linsey's missed texts and calls from yesterday. Marlicia was breathing down a nigga neck all day yesterday and I wasn't that stupid to check them in her face. It was just Linsey but I knew how this bitch operated, she'd send some fake shit and have me and  Marlicia fighting. We been good lately and I wasn't tryna fuck that up.

Linsey: We need to talk, I'm running low on money and Larry is looking for me.
Linsey: Oh so now you're just reading my messages? I need you Reggie.
Linsey: meet me at the tracks tomorrow for 7 or I'm stopping by your girlfriend's house. Your choice.

This bitch was all types of crazy, I guess she didn't get the message after she popped up at my shop. I was done dealing with Linsey after I got those files, whatever the fuck her and her dude got going on ain't had shit to do with me. I didn't have a penny to give to this hoe but I was gone make the threats stop. She been a liability and I should've been off'd this girl but I really don't like killing women. But for this bitch I'd make an exception.

"Baby my feet hurt." Marlicia came out on the balcony with just a robe on and some shorts looking sexy as fuck. Her stomach had grown so much over these four and a half months she had stretch marks now and her thighs thicker. She hated it but I was embracing her beauty through this shit. That ass didn't go nowhere and her hair was growing let her tell it.

"Are you listening to me?" She bumped her knee against mine pulling me from my thoughts. "Y-yeah I'm listening to you baby." I said caressing her arm letting my hand fall into hers as she smacked her lips. "You've been very distracted lately and I don't like that. What's going on?" She asked pushing the curly hair from her face. "I was just admiring your beauty.." I said laughing putting my hands up in defense. "You got all my attention and when I finish this blunt I'm come inside and give you the best massage." I said kissing her hand.

"Whatever Reggie." She said fanning the smoke away from her face before storming inside.

"Bruh." I said shaking my head and taking a few hits before putting it out. Marlicia loved having shit her way and when she wanted something she needed me to jump on it.

I walked back inside seeing that she wasn't in the kitchen making me walk back to the bedroom. She laid on the bed with her leg hiked up on this big ass pregnancy pillow she got that take up half the bed. I licked my lips looking at her curves and beautiful face before walking up behind her rubbing on her ass. "You ready for that massage yet?" I asked slipping my hand inside of her robe watching her move around. "Can you wash your hands please and take off that jacket? It stinks." She said gently pushing my hands off her.

I stood quietly before walking off to the bathroom and unzipping my jacket. I washed my hands walking back into the bedroom. "I wanna run something by you." I said grabbing the cocoa butter off the dresser sitting on the bed. "Okay. Just do it while you work those hands on my back." She said making me laugh and get on my knees in the bed. I watched her slowly roll over on her stomach as much as she could. "You know what you doing with this little ass robe on." I said straddling her ass smacking it a few times. "Clothes are just uncomfortable, I have a rash on my thigh and it's irritating when clothes rub it." She said as I moved her hair off her neck.

"You ain't got long baby, I know it don't do much hearing it but it's true." I said kissing her neck. "Mm. Thank you baby, now what do you have to run by me?" She asked as I worked the lotion in my hand before massaging her shoulders.

"So you know that new 2023 SRT I told you I been tryna cop right? My guy over at the dealership say he got one coming in today for me. It's only 70 bands and that bitch gold and black seats with the red wrap." I said getting geeked just thinking about it. I only had three cars but I needed this in my building collection. She chuckled, "you saying only 70 bands like that's not a lot." She said looking back at me as I pressed on her mid back.

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