[ ii ]

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Harry scooted a little closer to Draco the next morning during breakfast, resting his head on Draco's shoulder.

"I'm exhausted."

Draco scoffed, "Did Ron snore?"

"No. I just couldn't sleep," Harry replied, closing his eyes.

"I wonder what is keeping up the brilliant Harry Potter," Draco mocked.

"The brilliant Harry Potter has things to think about," Harry said, lifting his head from Draco's shoulder and grabbing a piece of toast.

Draco's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Such as?"

"Such as what I'm going to have for my meals the next day."

Draco laughed. "C'mon Harry, be honest."

"I really do think about what I want to eat, Draco," Harry stated and the blond rolled his eyes.

"I know that isn't all you think about before you go to bed, Potter."

Harry sighed. "Fine, I was thinking about what to get you for your birthday. I even made a list."

Draco rose his eyebrows and started eating. "Saint Potter cares about me, interesting."

Harry flushed. "I- we are friends, Draco. Friends get each other gifts," he stuttered.

Draco smiled, a genuine one. "Anyway, do you want to study in the library after classes end today? You need a tremendous amount of help in Potions."

"You know, we could just cheat during the Potions test. A lot easier for both you and me," Harry suggested.

"No thanks, I prefer watching you suffer doing the questions that we went through in second year."

"Shut up, Draco."

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