thank you <3 (a/n)

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a big thank you to everyone who has made it this far <3 

i know this fic doesn't have much of a plot but i've put in a fair amount of effort writing this. how i got the idea for this fic is the song 'paper rings' by taylor swift (that should be obvious). i had also been doing some origami a month before this was published so that explains it :)

200 reads might not be a great milestone compared to the other fan fictions but it actually means so much to me that this fic has been viewed a whooping 200+ times - 


i'll be posting some extras for this fic (basically one shots of this fan fiction — does that even make sense or- )

however, this fic is complete and hence, these 'extras' that i'm posting aren't part of the actual plot. 

most of them will be fluff filled (some angst too bc i live for that shit)


stay hydrated, wear your mask & stay negative from covid !!

till next time, stay safe & swag <3 

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