my safe place

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i found safety in the arms
of a red-haired boy
found solace in his eyes
green like spring

found peace in the timbre of his voice
and his late-night whispers
found belonging as i lie
against his skin, silky smooth
found joy in his laugh
and the curve of his smile

found comfort
as i cried on his shoulder
as i laid my soul bare for him
and instead of judging he tried to help
instead of getting angry he held me
instead of resenting me he loved me

i found rest
when i lay in his bed
felt his heartbeat
heard his breathing
had him in my arms

the best rest of my life has been in his bed
the best feelings of my life have been with him

it hurts like hell
but i wouldn't trade it for anything

the prospect of death enraptured him/corey's poetry anthologyWhere stories live. Discover now