life changes

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isn't it strange
how quickly things change?
how you can feel worthless one moment
and be treated like treasure the next?

isn't it strange,
the way life works?
how you think you'll never find
what you're looking for,
but when you stop looking
you see it right there in front of you?

do you deserve it?
certainly not,
but how could you complain?
you're loved and you're cherished and you're surrounded by people who support you and yes, even though you don't deserve it you have this so don't waste it.

don't waste your time worrying over the why or the how
don't waste your time asking if you deserve it because no, we both know you don't deserve it but

that's how life works.

we don't always get what we deserve
sometimes for better, sometimes for worse
and here you are thriving, when you didn't do a damn thing to earn it
and that's okay.

cherish what you have.
show them you care for them
just as much as they care for you.
let them know they mean the world to you.
love them and laugh with them and most of all don't worry

because life is good
you're at peace
you finally feel that calm you were searching for
don't bother questioning it
don't let the anxiety in
just let it be
let life happen
close your eyes
take a breath
in...    and out.

just breathe. don't think about a thing

the prospect of death enraptured him/corey's poetry anthologyWhere stories live. Discover now