love doesn't hurt

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when i met you,
i thought i didn't want sex
boy, was i wrong.

within a few days it set in,
that thought of i want him
and it scared me.

it scared me so much.

i worried you'd see me differently
once the binder came off.
i worried i'd never be a boy for you then.
i worried that sex was all you wanted...
that if i slept with you, that would be all we were.

it didn't take long to see
that that was just my insecurity.

it hadn't occurred to me at that point
that love didn't have to hurt.

when you told me you were
nervous to sleep with me,
it was reassuring.
i didn't want you to be nervous, of course,
but it helped me see
that this wasn't just some stupid sexual escapade,
that you really cared

it made me feel more equal, i think
knowing you were just as nervous as i was
that you could feel nervous about it
it let me know this was nothing
like what i was used to

that first time
it felt so easy
we didn't have it all figured out,
nowhere close
but it was fun
and it felt so right
like us, it was perfectly imperfect

you never cease to amaze me
even now, months later
your kindness
your love
your respect
your authenticity
you're so beautiful
in so many ways

i never thought i'd find something like this
that someone could love me
and want me at the same time
honestly, i never thought anyone would love me
you have no idea how lucky i feel
to have you care for me

your love doesn't hurt me
loving you doesn't hurt me
it feels like bliss
it feels perfect
it feels as easy as breathing

i can't imagine being with anyone else
i can't imagine anything else feeling like this
your love doesn't hurt me
it makes me feel whole

you feel like a missing piece of me
we fit together like it was always meant to be

my darling, my love,
i can't thank you enough
for staying by my side

the prospect of death enraptured him/corey's poetry anthologyWhere stories live. Discover now