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it was so much simpler
when it was you.

when my yearning wasn't anything more
than wanting to be wanted.

because he wants me but,
he also doesn't.

unnecessary complication.
unnecessary stress.

with you,
i knew you didn't want me at all.

with him,
i know he wants me.

just not the way
i want him.

his "want"
is something i don't understand.

it's something he won't
define for me.

i'm not quite sure
if even he knows.

with you,
wanting was easy.

it was something
i was used to.

with him,
it's different.

it's so much more
and so much scarier.

so much more intense.
so much more to lose.

what i felt for you
was so much less

than what i feel now.
i think that might

be what made it
so much simpler.

the prospect of death enraptured him/corey's poetry anthologyWhere stories live. Discover now