trauma experience~

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We were all traumatized by what we all had saw... I huddle over to the girl who held me up in the first game. Man she must have been strong to hold up a friggin human being.

I examine her the exact same way I did with Cody...hey, is that?...

"ABI???" I question.

"Bro stfu we gotta whisper." She replied.

"Oh yeah..heh sorry".

"So" She said.

"Why are you here?"

"I- uh- I got busted by loan sharks."

"Same lol."

"Anyway thank you for saving me back there".I say.

"You're alive,that's all that matters"

Those pink soldier guys come back into the main room and congratulate us. "You have all made it through the first game. Congratulations. You're moving on. I will now announce the results of the first game." PlayStation button square head says. We all look up to the little screen that had all the players before the game. "Out of 456 players 255 were eliminated, and 201 successfully completed the first game." Red jumpsuit states.

I looked around, and I could tell that everyone was having a mental breakdown. A few women start pleading on their knees. I snickered at the sight. A few looked at me with concern, but brushed it off. "Not my fault they look pathetic." I mumble under my breath. "Erella- No- just no-" Abi whispers.

Everyone starts complaining and I hear a gunshot.

"Consent form clause 2: A player who refuses to play will be eliminated." Square head says.

Cody then stands up and argues with the square guy.

I just sat there listening in on multiple conversations. (mumble mumble mumble).

I snapped out of my daydream by the sound of money falling into the huge piggy bank from before. I can't stop looking...

I keep blurring out the words coming out of everyone's mouths.

"Player 456, please cast your vote."

Crap- what am I voting for? Gay rights? Equal pay? Too late. I walk up to two buttons in the middle of the room. One with an "x" and the other with an "o".

I couldn't make a decision, and I could feel eyes burning through the back of my head. "HURRY THE HELL UP!" I hear. I click the "x" button in a hopes to make everyone happy. It kinda worked.

I could hear quiet "thank you's" coming from the crowd.

After it was my turn I sat on the other side of the room since my legs hurt from running in "red light green light".

People start to yell and argue again and soon they get a gun to the head, meaning the guards wanted them to shut up.

It was 100 to 100. And the last man looked kinda old. He clicked "x" and most people start to cheer.

I drifted off once more and then fell asleep.

I wake up to find that I've been dropped off at the side of the road NAKED, well almost naked I still had some clothes on but it was still freezing outside.

"Um who's there?-"

"Shut up and help me."

"O-oh ok."

I then start to untie the person who got dropped off at the same place I did. She takes my blindfold off and then unties me.

She then starts to put on her clothes whilst I just stare off into space.

I assume she though I was looking at her since she got flustered at the sight of my big round eyes just staring.

"I- uh your clothes are in here t-too."

She said as she held a big black trash bag. I soon realized that I was staring into space for too long and started blushing a little.


It was a good run... 🐙 🎮Where stories live. Discover now