Tug of war! 🪢

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Erella's Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all tried to get some sleep before morning since we didn't the previous night.

We were all huddled up with our blankets, and boy was it cold that night.


The lights turn back on and the PA woman begins speaking,

"Attention, players. The third game will begin momentarily. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way to the game hall."

After hearing this, we decided to all team up. And try not to die.


We make our way to a white room that had stairs.

I notice that somehow my nose was still bleeding a little. But I just brushed it off.

"Girl, how is your nose still bleeding?" Abi asks.

"I don't know to be completely honest with you." I say, letting a little chuckle escape my lips.

I guess we got distracted by each other since we missed the instructions.

I walk over to Gianna and ask,

"Umm wtf did the PA woman say?"

"We're you not listening?" They return my question with a question.



After explaining what the instructions were,
We all decided to go get more people, but I just couldn't find anyone.

We already had: Gianna, Cody, Abi, Cecilia, Madison, Dalem ,and Myself.

I walk away from the group and look for some new teammates.

I spotted a short man that looked like a familiar face from my childhood...

"CHRIS!" I run over to him and give him a pat on the head.

"AYO, UNCLE ALEX?"  He responded with a wide smile.

"Still short, mi'jo?" I ask with a smirk.

His smile fades, "I-... Yeah-..." 

I grab him by his sleeve and pull him towards the gang.

"Well, c'mon, your big sis has been wondering about you!"

We walk up to the gang and I introduce Chris, although they already know him.

It seemed like they had already got another recruite, but it wasn't someone I knew.

The person had black poofy hair and tanned skin with green mint eyes that peirced right through me.

I outstretch my hand and they shake it.

"Names Max." They say.

"Erella, glad to meet you." I reply.

"Well, I would say the same, but unfortunately we may all die." Max said.

"Wow, that got dark really quick. " Gianna butted in.

"No shit. " Chris butted in aswell.

"Don't cuss in front of your sister!" Gianna smacked the back of his head.

Chris just started mumbling tiny little Spanish cuss words, ever so rarely adding in a "mom" .

"Gianna! Don't hit my nephew!" I yell, patting his head.

It was a good run... 🐙 🎮Where stories live. Discover now