Home sweet home-

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~~~~~~~~~Erella's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I got dressed and then started walking back to my small apartment that I shared.

It was dark and cold outside so I decided to go get some hot cocoa from my favorite cafe.

I noticed Abi, one of my childhood friends from the games.

"Hey Abi."

She looks up with big round eyes.

I could tell she was surprised cause we used to always talk before she moved.

We started chitchating a little to try and catch up.

"Do you remember Cody?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw him back at the games." I replied.


"Yeah, anyways wanna go to an arcade?" 

"Hell yeah!"

~~~~~~~Abi's pov~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Erella were pretty close when we were kids.

I always used to be so clingy towards him. he was always so random, he even got told by the teachers that he was random.

I remember one time we got in trouble once, and he wrote a whole ass essay just to apologize.

he advised me to write one too, but I just kinda forgot about it.

I got in trouble all the time and I'm still fine.

But no Erella was always a "good guy" towards the teachers and always did extra work just to impress people.

He would always draw or doodle during class.

He claimed that he didn't really try to do good art, but Jesus christ he was good at it.

We all admired him and always asked him to draw us something.

I remember one halloween he dressed up as bob ross and I was a UwU cat.

That halloween, people kept calling him "daddy ross", it was annoying but funny at the same time.

His hair was always so long- why did he cut it? It was short now kinda like an emo boy hairstyle.

(Yes the art is made by me)

(Also this is what abi was describing about how erella looked now)

I'm guessing that he still wears hoodies all the time since he had one on currently.

And then his stupidity. he was dumb but smart at the same time.

he'd say that he can't read or that he was colorblind to get out of situations.

Boy, was he dirty minded-.

"Abi are you listening?" Erella asked.

"Girl of course I am." I answer.

Close call.

he kept on talking and telling me about his new life as a Lawyer in training.

I was happy for him, I missed him.

but I missed his long hair more,

I would always play with it and annoy him  man it was fun.



running off as always. Yup. he's dead.

~~~~~~~Erella's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My doorbell was ringing and I had to leave Abi at the cafe.

I felt bad.

But I ran home to see why my doorbell was ringing.


It was a package.....Ugh another fuck fest letter from one of my Colleges from law school.

... But it wasn't a normal package.. it had the game card for the games on there..

"I left the cafe for THIS???!" I yell.

Welp I'll just throw that away and head to sleep.

I unlock the door to my apartment to my drunken roommate and her girlfriend making out.

I didn't want to disturb them so I just went to my room and cleaned myself up a little,the only good part about coming home is having a room all to myself. I jumped into my queen size bed and close my eyes. I then TRIED to sleep but couldn't.

All I heard was moaning and wailing.

I was used to it since my roommate was usually drunk and brought home different girls every month.

I pulled out a card  I received from that guy on the subway.

  I call the number again, get put to sleep again, and get my stuff taken again, but this time, I came prepared.

I had snuck a knife in by hiding it it my short fluffy hair.

Now this, this will be fun~...

It was a good run... 🐙 🎮Where stories live. Discover now