I will slay your family

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~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~


It was finally meal time and the team was huddled together.
"Erella, can you open this?" Abi asks, handing Erella a water bottle. "Of course you can't open it, but I'd like to see you tr-"

"I got it." Erella hands Abi the opened bottle along with the lid. Abi thanks him, and sips the water scaredly.

"Anyways, where my son, Gianna, and Chris?"

Abi almost spits her water out right onto Erella and his bed.

"I haven't seen them tho."

Erella taps his chin. He pushes the food to the side and hops off the bed, going and looking for Daniel.

He walks up to Daniel and grabs him by his collar.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY." Erella shouts.

It wasn't Daniel he grabbed by the collar, it was a red headed Daniel Doppelganger.

"Oh shit. You're not-"

"You know Daniel?"

They both stay in uncomfortable silence, until Erella broke it.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that. I'm Erella Casares."

"David Forest. Nice to meet you."

Erella chuckles. "I was looking for some friends of mine. Three of them, Daniel, A tall Person with semi long hair, and a short boy that kinda looks like me, but shorter and blonde."

"I haven't seen the tall one, but I saw the small one. I have no idea about Daniel though." David sighs. "actually, I saw him in the restroom. I think"

"Thanks David." Erella extends his hand to the red head. They shake hands and Erella runs into the bathroom.

"GET THE FUCK OUT." He growled out, before kicking down the stalls one by one, until he reached Daniel's...


They both stare at each other for God KNOWS how long, until Erella closes the door.

"I- uhm- do you know where Gianna is?..."

Daniel coughs. "No.. they're with Christopher."

Erella apologies to Daniel and runs out of the bathroom.

"Gianna? Chris?"

"What?" Gianna yells from Madison's bed. "I'm up here."

Erella lifts his head and looks at the two, just staring for a good while. He was relieved they were safe.

"Oh thank Xemüg you're okay. I thought that sick bastard got to you."

"Who? The blonde Tall one?" Madison questions.

Erella nods and starts climbing up the ladder to Madison's bed. Once he reaches the top, he jumps up and hugs Gianna's side.

"Why must you hug me so often?"

It was a good run... 🐙 🎮Where stories live. Discover now