Morgan's POV
Derek says "really bad anger issues like that kid they just dragged in and really suicidal, its bad, so I try to stay away from that one but sometimes I can't control who's in the front seat up here" tapping his temple with his pointer finger. I say "how many are there that could be in the front seat?" He says "four. Myself, number one, the one you're talking to right now, number two, one that only comes out sometimes, that one doesn't like to talk number three, and the other one, talks way too much, to the point where its uncomfortable and my jaw hurts when I switch back, number four." We chuckle and I say "that is very interesting" and Brian says "they all have names too, you'll have fun with that one" chuckling. Derek says "number four likes to come out when I first wake up sometimes, I warn you, you'll have a headache by ten" and we chuckle and Derek says "I'm serious" us laughing. Derek mumbles "he gives me a headache" and we laugh and I say "do you know that guy they brought in? He looked expensive of what I saw" and Brian says "right of a golf course, right into a psychiatric facility" and I say "in the middle of his swing just noped out of there." We laugh and Brian says "I wanna know who that guy is" getting up and going to talk to a nurse. I say "he seems set on finding out who this guy is and I hear the nurse say "if he's stable when he wakes up, you can meet him then." Brian says "come on, babe, you're no fun" and she says "we've been over this, Brian, you are a patient in an institution and I work here, keep it at that. Also, you're seventeen, I'm twenty five, that's illegal" and Brian says "you're no fun" and comes to sit on the floor, crossing his arms. She says "no, I'm a law abiding citizen of this country" rolling her eyes and we chuckle and I say "leave her alone, man" shaking my head. A nurse comes in and hands me a thick packet of papers and I say "whats this?" She says "just look through it and fill it out" smiling then leaves the room and Derek says "you got the dreaded packet, congratulations." I look through the almost one hundred questions and they seem pretty strange and I say "I'm going to my room" quietly and I get up. I go to my room and a nurse comes in with me saying "sharp objects" and sits on the floor. I sit on the bed saying "what are these questions for?" She says "just to know more about you and what kind of therapy they want to put you in" and I nod, shrugging. Are you asexual or hypersexual or anything on that spectrum? I mumble "seriously?" I write demi cause that's how I feel and now is the first time I'm writing it or putting it into words I guess. A connection is very important to me probably cause I don't let anyone close to me very easily but I'm not just gonna do it with anyone if there's no connection, it feels weird thinking about it. I finish the sex questions and now I'm on the have you felt sad in the past two weeks? Yes, I'm depressed and I'm hear for self harm, yes, I feel sad all the time. Other ones about anxiety and if I have symptoms of schizophrenia and DID and like eating disorders and everything else. I bite my lip saying "finally, I'm done" and I hand it to the nurse in the room then I lay down to have a bit of a breather. She leaves along with taking the pencil and I sigh, eventually falling asleep.
A few hours later
I wake up and the guy that looked like he walked right off a golf course from earlier is in the room. Now that's what that other bed is for. He's just messing with his phone and I say "hey" yawning and he nods at me and I sit up, fixing my hair, then I say "you clearly don't want to be here." He says "I don't think anyone wants to be here" and I say "its not really the place to be, my back is gonna be shit by the time I get out of here." He says "what are you hear for?" I say "suicide attempt that I didn't do on purpose." He looks up saying "slit your wrists a bit too far this time?" I chuckle saying "pretty much" nodding and showing him my arm that has all the stitches in it. I say "what about you?" He says "a long list of things" and I say "we have all the time in the world" and he says "no, you have a life when you get out, you might as well just look up what my list is." I say "I wanna hear you say it" sitting criss cross on my bed, facing him in the chair across the room. He says "an addiction, toxic parent relationships, the nurses think I have schizophrenia, so that describes how I am. Anger issues, I'm a hot mess, man" quietly and I say "at least now you're willing to get the help I guess?" He says "I'm just fine, I'm ok" more as a self assurance then trying to assure me. I say "wanna meet the others?" He says "I can't do that right now" quietly and I say "whatever is comfortable for you" smiling and laying back on my bed. I say "you seem like you're freaking out, are you ok?" He nods saying "lots to process" quietly and I say "talk to me about it" and he says "I'm not ok" quietly and I go sit in the other bed, so I'm closer to him, and I say "how?" He says "it would be better if you just looked it up" and I say "I'd like to hear it from you" quietly, looking at him.

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