Morgan's POV
He says "I'll tell you later" quietly and I say "ok, what's your name?" He says "you don't know my name?" I say "no, I don't know anything about you" and he says "Rafe" quietly and I say "Morgan." A nurse comes in saying "Rafe, we're switching you to a different room, you will be in the same ward however." He flinches at the word 'ward' and says "sorry, what?" I stand up and the nurse says "you're changing rooms, you're staying just down the hallway" smiling and he says "alright" quietly. He comes up to me saying "bye" and that's when I see his eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul and all I see is want, love, and just emptiness. Like he lost someone then I find myself being kind of sad about it. He just looks so broken, hopefully this place can fix that look in his eyes. He just looks like he lost everything and all he had left is his regret. He looks beyond fixable and to be honest, I'm scared for him. He walks and speaks like a bomb is about to go off if he makes one wrong move or says something wrong. Poor guy. I get up and I go out to the main room where everyone's chilling and I sit on the couch. Derek says "did you talk to new guy?" I say "maybe" and Brian says "what's he like?" I say "careful" and Derek says "anything else?" I say "he has pretty eyes too" and Brian says "I'm gonna have to talk to him." I say "let him come to you" and Brian says "if he will" and I say "he will" rolling my eyes and he says "I don't know, he seems kind of far gone" and I quietly say "I think he just needs a change." Brian says "he's for sure crazy" and I say "that's why were all in here. Were fucking nuts." Rafe walks back by then sees me and nods at me then comes in, sitting a few feet away from me on this big couch. I look over at him saying "hey" and he nods at me saying "h-hey." He sounds confident but god, he's a nervous wreck. He says "what are you looking at?" I say "reading you" and he says "are you psychic or something?" I sarcastically say "yeah, you want your palms read too?" He says "you seriously do that?" I say "no" chuckling and he smiles and I say "but I can if you're willing to pay" and he says "you'd be a good scammer, I would've fell for it." I say "I'm good at convincing people" and he says "you're crazy" and I say "says you" and he mumbles "you bitch" a small smile on his face, him looking down. He looks at me saying "I'm worst than you" pointing at his head and I mumble "I don't think we can compare" and he squints at me then nods slowly. Rafe says "where are you gonna go when you get out?" I say "hm, I just got here, I'm not sure" and I bite my lip then I say "what about you?" He says "gonna get a private jet and go to some state that gets a lot of snow" and I say "that sounds cold" and Rafe says "I need a change, I'm gonna get far away from here when I leave" quietly. I say "a beach would be cool too, polar opposites though" and he says "the beach isn't that great after you live there awhile" and I say "I think anywhere can be like that, if it's not new, it's not interesting after a few days when it comes to anything." Rafe nods and shrugs, agreeing with me, and we talk the rest of the day, the other two boys then the girl from yesterday joins the conversation about an hour later. The girl, who's name I learned is Jasmine, says "what are you here for?" Rafe says "t-that's a long list for later, lets just say I'm not a good person out there" quietly but not breaking eye contact with her. Jasmine says "not a good person to the majority out there or do things go wrong when you aren't in a place like this?" He says "the majority don't know me I don't think but shit goes wrong when I'm out there, its why I'm here cause someone and now myself too wants me to change" quietly. I mumble "who put you here?" He mumbles "my younger sister, Sarah, she's scared of me, and for all the right reasons. She's the only person I'm doing this for" and I say "I think you're doing this for yourself too." He thinks for a second then nods and a nurse comes in saying "Rafe, someone wants to talk to you on the phone" and he says "who is it?" The nurse says "your father" and Rafe says "tell him I told him to fuck off and to get out of my life" then turns to me, quietly saying "I'll see you later" going to his room. Brian says "of course he's hot, he has daddy issues" and we laugh our asses off. I mumble "hope he's ok" and Brian says "if you're worried, go check on him" shrugging and I say "I'm sure he's ok, I'm too tired to do anything anyway" getting up and just going to bed for the night. After talking to Rafe all day I realize how complex and secretive some people are. I talked to him all day and all I really know is his name. I think he's cute but I wanna know more about him, I'm curious to see what his life was like before this, before he got here. I wanna know everything, I don't really know why, and I don't know what I'd do with the information. He's just fascinating and very mysterious which just makes me want to know his life even more than I did when he first walked into this place.

I Swear I Meant To Mean The Best [RAFE]{BXB}(OUTERBANKS)Where stories live. Discover now