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Morgan's POV
Two months later
I say "what are we doing?" Rafe says "taking you to the Outer Banks, Paradise On Earth" and I chuckle saying "really? Thats the title for this place?" He says "we're gonna go by the sign in a few minutes, you'll see it, I'm not lying" glancing over at me and keeps driving. I chuckle saying "that's funny" and he says "eh, there are weirder ones, this ones pretty good" and I say "you're an island boy, you grew up here, didn't you?" We did a road trip up the east coast and now were coming back and were just gonna go to the Outer Banks for a week, so I can meet everyone. We cross the bridge that goes from the chain off of North Carolina to the Banks and Rafe says "the sign is right there" and when we pass it it does in fact say: Outer Banks Paradise On Earth and I say "you really weren't lying." Rafe chuckles saying "rude" and I say "I know, I'm so mean" squeezing his hand. We did this road trip in a few weeks, my mom loves Rafe and he's an adult, I'm an adult in a few months, so she let us go. Rafe says "welcome to The Outer Banks, were pretty split but the crew you should be worried about are John B's friends, so you'll be fine." I say "ok, anything else I should worry about?" Rafe says "Topper, Sarah's ex boyfriend" and I say "aren't you guys friends?" Rafe chuckles saying "yeah, he's a flirt is all" squeezing my hand and he says "him and Sarah were kind of toxic together and he now respects John B, they hated each other's guts for a long time though." Rafe says "everyone in my life, they all get along enough so we don't have to worry about things too much" quietly. I say "are we gonna be out? Like telling people that were together?" He says "whatever you want to do" and I say "I think we can be out" and he says "I think so too" kissing my knuckles. Rafe says "I love you" quietly and I say "I love you too" smiling and he pulls up to this big house and he says "mom and dad aren't around this week apparently" and I chuckle saying "awesome" and he holds my hand and we go in. Sarah says "you're back!" I chuckle and she comes up and hugs me then she hugs Rafe saying "I missed you even though I don't like you very much" and Rafe says "ouch." I rub his back, chuckling, and he says "let me show you around" wrapping his arm around my waist and we walk around this huge house. He says "this is Wheezies room" opening the door and Wheezie says "go away" and Rafe says "if you say so" and she says "Rafe!" I chuckle and she comes over and jumps on him. Wheezie says "we should go get ice cream" and Rafe says "lets do that tomorrow" and she says "deal, I'm kind of tired anyway" and Rafe says "I'm kind of tired too" and we go walk around and Rafe shows me all these rooms and I say "who needs three dining rooms?" He says "us apparently" and we chuckle and Sarah is doing her hair with the door open to the bathroom and Rafe says "who do you have to look nice for?" She says "John B and that crew are doing a kegger on the beach tonight, you guys should come" and Rafe says "oooo, party" and I chuckle saying "what's a kegger?" Sarah says "there's a keg involved and they build a couple fires on the beach and we all drink, its mostly teenagers from both sides of the island and young tourists that have no idea what's happening." I chuckle saying "I could've figured that one out" rubbing my forehead and I say "I'm tired" us laugh and we go up to Rafes room and he says "oh my god, its my bed" and he lays down and I lay down next to him. I say "I'm gonna steal your bed, I like it more than I like you" and we chuckle and we get ready to go to this party. We leave and I see this guy that is like super hot and I say "who's that?" Rafe says "that's Topper" and I say "he's hot" and he mumbles "don't go leaving me" and I chuckle saying "I'm not leaving you, he is hot though." We go to this guy and Topper says "you're finally back, man!" Rafe says "out of the clink!" I say "you weren't in jail, Rafe" rolling my eyes and Topper says "who's this cutie?" I say "Morgan" smiling and he shakes my hand saying "Topper" smirking. I say "you think you're the shit around here? Don't you?" He says "I am the shit, you want it, I got it" and I say "did you just quote Ariana Grande?" Topper smirks saying "maybe, we'll have to hang out sometime" winking at me and I say "should I tell him?" Rafe says "no" sarcastically and I laugh saying "I'm gonna go meet Sarahs crew, I'll find you later" and he says "ok" and I kiss his cheek and I say "bye, Topper" smirking and I walk away and I find Sarah and I grab her from behind. A guy smirks saying "John B, you got competition over here" and John B says "I know, I don't want to talk about it" and John B hands me a drink. I chuckle and Sarah says "hey" and I say "hey, girlfriend, how's it going?" She says "good, these are my friends" pointing at these two guys and this other girl and the girl says "I'm Kiara" and the one that said John B had competition says "I'm JJ, what's up, baby?" The other guy says "don't listen to him unless you want to, I'm Pope" and I say "I've had moves made on me twice since I've gotten here" and Sarah laughs saying "let me guess, Topper and now JJ?" I say "yeah, Rafe didn't even cover for me and he was right there" us laughing and JJ says "wait, you and Rafe are friends?" I say "no?" Sarah laughs saying "you're funny" and JJ says "can I get you a drink?" I say "I'm too much of a lightweight, no thanks" chuckling and he says "come on, babe, we'll take care of you." I chuckle saying "I just met you, no way" and he says "that's fine" and I say "are people that live on islands just ten times hotter than mainland people or do you all just have good genes?" We laugh and Sarah says "both" flipping her hair making them all laugh. There's a DJ and they start playing a slow song and I feel arms go around my waist and I say "you scared me." He mumbles "come dance with me" and I turn around and he pulls me several feet away from the group and we dance and just laugh at things we both say to each other. He mumbles "lets get married" and I laugh quietly, saying "you're crazy" and Rafe says "I'm only serious if you say yes" and I chuckle mumbling "I'm still a minor" and he says "only for a few more months." I say "yes" and Rafe says "yes what?" I say "lets get married" and we chuckle and he kisses me, us swaying slowly.

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