Morgan's POV
He says "when under the stress and anxiety my dad puts on me, there's no morality and common sense in my actions and decisions. I hear voices, I do things that I'll never forget or forgive myself for, I've thought clearly the past couple days without a high for the first time since I was fourteen, I'm seventeen now. I already feel better." I say "how does it feel?" He quietly says "confusing but I like it" and I smile saying "thats good" biting my lip. He smiles, looking down, and the people start coming in. We all spread out on the couch then I just slide to the floor cause I need a change and Rafe moves to sit with me but keeps a bit of space, so the nurses and other staff don't get on his ass. They start the movie and I start thinking about why they don't want him near anyone but they keep him with people. I mumble "why do they not want you touching anyone?" He mumbles "I'm easily angered, when I was out there I was anyway, and I hit my sister to get in here. I beat up a kid and I feel really bad and I never apologized to him, he sunk my friends boat though but he did get the boat back. Anyway, it was a revenge plot, I felt bad, my friends mom made my friend press charges and this kid I beat up, his friend that was with him took the fall and went to jail for him, saying it was his idea to sink the boat. Which it probably was cause he's the bad kid of that group. Klepto, put a gun to my friends head, the guy that owns the boat they sunk, that friend. I think they're good now though" quietly and I mumble "you live a crazy life" and we chuckle quietly. He says "you have no idea" looking at me and I smile, looking away, and we watch the movie, looking at each other throughout the movie every few minutes. The look he gives me about half way through the movie is different from the rest and I lean in cause it just feels right, something he wants me to do. Not that I don't want to either. He kisses me like no one is watching but he's very careful, so careful I can tell he's either scared of hurting me or rejection. I rest my hand on his then he pulls away. He mumbles "did I screw everything up just now?" I mumble "only if you think you did cause I don't think you did" him being the one to break the eye contact. I mumble "stop being so distracted, watch the movie, Rafe" smirking and he tries not to smile, rolling his eyes at me. He gently holds my hand, squeezing gently like he's scared to hurt me and I smile, blushing madly not that anyone can see it in the dark. I feel his eyes on me all night, not that I care. When the movie ends I mumble "I'll see you tomorrow" letting go of his hand and he nods and smiles as he walks out. Jasmine says "I don't think I've seen him smile that much since he got here" and I say "that's bullshit" chuckling and shaking my head. They turn the lights on and I say "I hate it here" closing my eyes and we all laugh and we all go to bed and as I leave the room Jasmine says "its not bullshit!" I flip her off and I go to bed, smiling my face off, and I hang out, coloring in this coloring book that they let me have. I took a nap a few hours ago and its already bed time so, maybe don't take naps unless its earlier in the day or I'm desperate. I eventually go to sleep, around two am against the rules.
The next day
I get up and I go to the main room before breakfast cause its not breakfast time yet and Rafe is just chilling, talking to the nurse in there. I smile saying "hey" sitting next to him, keeping a bit of distance, and he says "hey" smiling. Rafe says "why the first week am I supposed to not have physical contact?" She says "we were just told to not let you, I don't know what its doing were just not allowed to let you for the week." Rafe nods saying "I get it" quietly and I mumble "a few more days" and he mumbles "that doesn't matter, I know how to get my way" and I chuckle mumbling "rule breaker" squeezing his hand then letting go. He mumbles "I could pay them off, I can do whatever I want" leaning in a bit, making eye contact. Not leaning in to kiss me, him just being closer to me, and I smile mumbling "how much though?" He mumbles "a few million" shrugging and he mumbles "maybe more" smirking and I mumble "you have that much?" Rafe mumbles "yeah, dad does house development and Rose, my step mom, is a real estate agent, I got money to throw away so I can kiss you." I blush, quietly saying "stop it" biting my lip and he quietly says "I do, I got you" looking at me. I bite my lip, looking back at him, and he mumbles "have you ever been to the Outer Banks?" I say "no, I've never even heard of it until you told me about it" and he says "when we get out, ima show you around" and I say "if we ever get out." We chuckle and he says "you'll be out in a few weeks tops, I'll be here for awhile" looking over at me and I say "I don't think you'll be here as long as you think you will be." He says "we'll see who's right then" and I chuckle saying "I guess so" quietly and the nurse leaves for a minute and he pecks my lips. I mumble "isn't there always supposed to be someone in here?" He mumbles "I think so but I don't mind her not being in here" kissing me a bit longer.

I Swear I Meant To Mean The Best [RAFE]{BXB}(OUTERBANKS)Where stories live. Discover now