Morgan's POV
A few days later
It's been one week officially, Rafe is less of a nervous wreck but he's still very cautious with his actions. He's still scared of hurting me and others but he's a lot better than he was at the beginning. He's been following rules but today is the day the no touching rule disappears. He's willing to break it when no ones watching, which isn't often but we take what we can get. Its a visiting day today and I think Rafe is freaking out cause his dad could come in but then I see him coming into the main room and he smirks saying "I made it!" I chuckle, getting up, and Brian says "finally, physical affection, so exciting" sarcastically. Rafe flips him off and I offer my hand as if I want him to shake my hand then he says "shut up" grabbing my hand and pulling me in. I laugh saying "skipping pleasantries?" He sarcastically says "oh, hello, how are you?" I say "whatever" rolling my eyes, taking my hand, and swaying slowly. He mumbles "morning" and I chuckle saying "hey" as he lifts his hand, turning me around, and I laugh saying "how'd you learn how to do this?" He says "dad made me learn when I got my first girlfriend" and I say "really?" He says "if you can dance, you can date anyone" rolling his eyes and I chuckle saying "I can agree with that one." Rafe says "I'm tired but I'm ready" and I say "ready for what?" He says "I don't quite know" and I chuckle saying "ok, me too" smiling and Brian says "heard my mom was coming" and I say "is that good or bad?" He says "both" and we chuckle. We get brought to this different room with tables and chairs and people come in, I'm assuming family, and I don't see anyone I know and I mumble "can I hang out with you?" Rafe mumbles "of course" keeping his hand on my back, in between my shoulder blades, and two girls come in, platonically holding hands. Rafe mumbles "no dad, were in the clear" and I chuckle and a guy comes up behind the taller girl and Rafe mumbles "John B, were not in the clear anymore." I say "who's that?" I chuckle and he mumbles "Sarahs boyfriend" and I say "ooooo" rolling my eyes and he laughs saying "are you a middle schooler?" I say "no, I'm sixteen" rolling my eyes and he says "no shit" rolling his eyes. We all sit around a table and Sarah says "am I allowed to hug you cause they all seem to be watching you the most?" They get up and Rafe hugs her saying "you'd have to ask John B if he could trust me enough" and this John B guy says "not at all but its happening so, here we are" quietly. I look at Rafe and he sits next to me saying "the rest of the crew here?" Sarah says "no, stole dads car, he's still pissed, thinks you're fine" and Rafe says "better than I was" quietly. The younger girl says "Rafe, you're officially the least favorite" and Rafe says "gee thanks, Wheezie, I appreciate that knowledge" rolling his eyes. Sarah says "you doing better around here?" Rafe says "I think so, what do you mean by better?" Sarah says "oh I don't know, less aggressive, less drugs" and John B says "not beating people up, threatening them, the list goes on" and Rafe says "I feel good, really getting my shit together, Sarah. You just have to trust me." Sarah says "I trust you in this sense, you look really good but you aren't getting out yet." Rafe says "I don't expect to be out of here for awhile, Sarah, thank you, I feel good" and Wheezie says "what rules have you broken? What are we paying for?" I say "she really doesn't have any faith in you" and Rafe says "I know" and we chuckle and he says "nothing to pay for, I didn't do anything. The rules only broken if you're caught, Wheezie" and I hit him upside the head saying "she's like eleven, don't tell her that, she might take it seriously." The girl says "bitch, I'm thirteen" and I say "and you look eleven, so I don't know what to tell you" chuckling. She says "I will fight you" and Rafe says "threatening is how you land yourself in here, shut your mouth" and I chuckle and I say "that's not true, thats how you land yourself in prison." John B says "sometimes yeah but you don't see JJ in prison" rolling his eyes and we chuckle and Rafe quietly says "you have a point there." I bite my lip and Sarah says "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Sarah" and I say "I know, I'm Morgan, I hear about you two a lot" pointing at the two sisters. Sarah says "hopefully good things" and I say "what would the bad things be?" Sarah says "can we keep this one?" John B says "no way, I barely am able to keep my girlfriend without other guys around" and I laugh saying "maybe its you and not her then." Sarah says "that's a joke, we're good now but I'm starting to like him more than you, John B" and Wheezie says "I like him more than you, John B." Sarah says "were keeping him" and Rafe says "do I get a say?" Sarah says "only if you say yes" and Rafe says "ok, why the hell would I say no?" I say "do I get a say?" Rafe says "no, I'm kidnapping you." I mumble "I'm not complaining" and Rafe says "a consensual kidnapping" and I say "I consent" rolling my eyes as we all chuckle. Rafe says "we can keep him" and John B says "does my no way not mean anything?" I say "I'm not stealing your girlfriend, thought I was insecure" mumbling the last part making Rafe chuckle. I mumble "I don't even like girls" and Rafe laughs even harder and he holds my hand under the table. Sarah says "I'm definitely keeping you, I don't even need you anymore, John B" and Rafe mumbles "you aren't leaving me for my sister are you?" I say "why would you accuse me of that?" He says "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" and I squeeze his hand and I mumble "I'm not leaving you for a girl, that's almost as insane as the Joker being called a nice guy."

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