Chapter 12

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Kayden couldn't stop smiling at school on Friday.

There were so many reasons to be happy!

One, his last concert at the amphitheater was tonight, and he would be done with "touring" for a while, two, his siblings were talking to him, three, Prince Liam was great... and now a permanent fixture in his contacts list, four, the shadow boy hadn't come back, and five, school was ending next week.

Life was good!

Yvonne however, seemed to disagree.

"That bitch just stole my prom date!" was the first thing she said when she sat down at Uriel's table in the library.

Both Kayden and Uriel had a free hour every Friday, which Kayden used to spend in the music room until Uriel dragged him to the library for 'Final exam studying.'

Yvonne however, wasn't supposed to be here.

"Uhm. How many people are you mad at once here?" Kayden asked, looking up from his math textbook. "Yesterday you were plotting pencil murder against a guy and now you look like you want to strangle somebody."

Yvonne glared at him. "I was going to ask Nathan to Prom on Friday next week, only to have Melanie cut right in front of me and ask him. He said yes, and now I don't know whether to kill her first or him."

"How about we have a serious discussion on this and don't commit any capital offenses." Uriel sighed, pushing his silvery blonde hair out of his eyes and reluctantly removing his gaze from the book he'd been reading.

Yvonne groaned. "I knew you'd say that! But I can't find Erica so..."

Kayden channeled his older brother when he steepled his fingers and gave Yvonne a serious look. "Did Melanie know you were going to ask Nathan out?"

"No... but I'm still going to kill her!"

"But in her eyes, it is completely unjustified Yvonne." Uriel added. "She is guiltless in the matter. If you must, look at it this way. She got there first. Find someone else."

Yvonne trembled in restrained rage.

"You're an unfeeling person Uriel. Just wait! One day you'll like someone and know how it feels! Then you'll know not everything in this world is logic."

She turned on her heel and slammed the library doors as she left, probably to find Erica and complain about how she wished to commit murder but wasn't allowed to.

Uriel sighed again and turned back to his book.

"The joke is on her. I'm both pansexual and demisexual. I have to know people before I like them. And no one in this ridiculous school is going to bother with that. I'm the unfeeling nerd, whose best friend is a science textbook... and other books."

Kayden couldn't tell if Uriel was actually upset about this or not. He said everything so matter-of-factly, that it was completely impossible to tell.

He decided to be comforting anyway.

He awkwardly patted Uriel's shoulder. "You're not unfeeling. You just don't display emotions. And there is a difference."

Uriel smiled slightly at him. "A difference indeed. A difference you know, and embody every day. I'm not bothered or worried, and you shouldn't be either. How is studying?"

Kayden groaned and thumped his head on the table.

"You just had to ask that."

Uriel's half-smile quickly became a smirk. "Success comes to those who never quit and practice dear brother. You are not nearly as likely to have a good test if you do not attempt to study."

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