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Read this story in dark mode!

It was Friday, and like many other days it seemed normal. You woke up, went to school, came home, and went to bed. But something did happen that day that would change your life.

You were always quite a daring person and enjoyed the thrill of a challenge. Even more so since your in highschool. So it can make since that a simple dare can turn into a deadly game of cat and mouse.

It started at the lunch table, as many things do. Y'all talked about the creepies and the crawlies trying to shiver the bones of your friends. Each sharing stories of ghost in abandoned homes and killers with chainsaws. But one story in particular stole the attention, a story of "Smiles".

A furry creature it is, no larger than you and I. But it is different than your average animal, it doesn't fear you. It hunts you. It walks on it's hind legs like a human and can set up traps like no other. Smiles is a hunter.

Bullshit is what you called, saying a thing would not exist. And how it sounded absolutely ridiculous that an animal can hunt humans. But your friend swears the truth, he says that such a thing has been sighted many times by campers and hunters. He tells of how many have gone missing in those woods, including his grandpa.

You continue to deny the thought, but the more he talks, the more you believe.

'But what better way to prove it, than to show them' is what you thought. I shall bring them to the woods and stay there for the weekend, and prove that this being doesn't exist.

Your friends all obviously hated the idea, but bragging rights are a powerful thing. So some agreed to follow into the woods and to prove to the others of there bravery and there courage.

But little did you know of what you did. To willingly be the pray in the cycle of cat and mouse.

But in this game.

There is no time outs.

You must survive. Make it to the end and you will be granted the prize of life. Be safe, and good luck.

May God be with you all...

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