s2. 2 . Hanamachi

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We stood infront of tengen and I sighed.

" this... really. Tengen let me go- like I said! I won't be doing this! The entertainment district really? Listen I know we are old enough in that sense! BUT YOU GOT TO TAKE MENTAL MATURITY INTO THE FACT-"


We all stopped and I shut up watching him do a "flashy" show-

" I am a God! You all a trash! You hear!"

I growled and rolled my haori up

" why you—"

Tanjiro sighed and held me back.

" now! Get this in your heads first! Listen good!"

I stood there and sighed

" if I say be a dog- then you act like one! If I say be a monkey! Act like it!"

I stood there very shocked- I never met a man so full of himself- what the nerve.

"First and foremost, you must please me! Bow and scrape and Avert your eyes! You toadies are mine, body and soul! NOW! I'll say it again! I am god!"

I- I don't even know what to say or do- I just stood there- of course I made it obvious that I will be doing no such thing. Then it hit me.

" WAIT!"

Uzui looked to me and I growled

" YOU CANT JUST TAKE ME! One I'm giyuu assigned partner! And not to mention I'm a hashira! "

Uzui tsked and said

" so slow... your mind so un flamboyant."

" .... "

I held my tongue- if it wasn't for tanjiro and them I'd try to show this man a new way to fucking sit for a weak-
Uzui sighed and came over to mess with me

" now listen here! Where is your partner now huh! All you do is hang around these three! Now he useful and help me! Damnit (y/n)!"

Tanjiro watched us argue and then shot his hand up. This caught Uzui attention off me.

" what exactly are you the God of?"

I stood there and so did zenitsu. Recently he was- unfazed by things. Making it very not him. Very odd.

" ah!"

He said backing off me.

" good question, you've got promise."

Zenitsu was shocked at this and watched him he didn't looked too please when he said all that. I personally found it rather cringe myself.

" I'm the god of glam and flash... the God of festivals!"

Zenitsu sighed when he heard this and then gently looked down to the ground to think. Oh to be in zenitsu head. Must be very funny to hear.

As I thought it wouldn't get anymore worse. I heard inosuke speak up.

" hello god of festivals, I'm the god of the mountain."

I hummed and looked to inosuke, I mean I guess what he said could be technically true if you see it in that Kinda way...

Uzui looked to him while he stood there he looked rather- unamused?

" what're you talking about? You're weird."

" listen you— how are you any different-"

Uzui rolled his eyes and looked to inosuke.

" creepy.."

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